Flashtool可以与手机通信 01/047/2016 18:47:28 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on 01/047/2016 18:47:28 - ERROR - Cannot identify your device. 01/047/2016 18:47:28 - INFO - Selecting from user input 01/051/2016 18:51:06 - INFO - Connected device : C68XX 01/051/2016 18:51:06 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : N/A 01/051/2016 18:51:06 - INFO - Android version : 4.4.2 / kernel version : 3.4.0-gf8cb419-00005-gcfd0ff8 / Build number : KOT49H 01/051/2016 18:51:06 - INFO - Checking root access 01/051/2016 18:51:06 - INFO - Root Access Allowed 01/051/2016 18:51:07 - INFO - Pushing C:\Flashtool\.\devices\busybox\1.20.2\busybox to /data/local/tmp^sybox 01/051/2016 18:51:08 - INFO - Installing toolbox to device... 01/051/2016 18:51:08 - INFO - Pushing C:\Flashtool\custom\root\ftkit.tar to /data/local/tmp 01/051/2016 18:51:09 - INFO - Running installftkit as root thru sysrun 01/056/2016 18:56:32 - INFO - Flash canceled