Single boy,single boy,single all the way.Online game,masturbate,we go all the way,hey!Single boy,single boy,why can't I be gay?No more wait,no more hate,let us all be gay!送给那些没有孩子们,然后你们可以在下面留言或者勾搭那些一样也没收到的人,说不定还能互换个微信啥的。
Single boy,single boy,single all the way.Online game,masturbate,we go all the way,hey!Single boy,single boy,why can't I be gay?No more wait,no more hate,let us all be gay!送给那些没有孩子们,然后你们可以在下面留言或者勾搭那些一样也没收到的人,说不定还能互换个微信啥的。