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IP属地:四川1楼2016-02-28 12:32回复
    Q1. Will different weapon calibers have different performance?
    Yes! We are doing our best to relate real-world statistics of different weapon calibers into Traction Wars. This will mean a Bren .303 round will have more stopping power and a greater suppression effect than a 9mm Sten round.

    IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体2楼2016-02-28 12:33
      Q2. What equipment will engineers have?
      There will be no Engineer kit in Chapter 1 but engineers do feature in some of our ideas for future chapters.

      IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体3楼2016-02-28 12:33
        Q3. Will Traction Wars use picture-in-picture (PiP) for scopes?
        As much as we love the system, there is no native support for it in CRYENGINE. This would require rendering the scene twice - once inside the scope and once outside. We will be working hard to make sure the scope effect looks natural when you zoom in but for C1 there are no plans for PiP.

        IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体4楼2016-02-28 12:34
          Q4. How will VOIP be implemented in TW?
          VOIP is an area we are still experimenting with. At the moment the plan is for the Squad Leader (NCO) to be able to communicate with other SLs when within a certain radius of the squad’s radioman, but otherwise only positional VOIP will be available to players.

          IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体5楼2016-02-28 12:34
            Q5. Will the game have gore?
            Gore as a concept can go quite in-depth, their will be blood splatter when you hit an enemy but there will be no body destruction in Chapter 1.

            IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体6楼2016-02-28 12:34
              Q6. Will there be Destructible Environments?
              Some items (such as lights) will be destructible in Chapter One. We are keen to implement wider destructible environments but it has a lot of consequences, particularly how the network can handle multiple pieces of debris; where they are, where they are going, and registering who and what they have hit and how much damage players will receive. Without a dedicated Network Programmer to optimise these scenarios it is difficult to achieve right now in a multiplayer-only environment . So this is something on the list for a future chapter.

              IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体7楼2016-02-28 12:35
                Q7. After the Chapter One, which nations will appear in Traction Wars?
                We are fully focused on developing Chapter 1 and have not made any dedicated plans for the next Chapter, but many of the commonly requested nations are already on the “long list” for the future.

                IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体8楼2016-02-28 12:36
                  Q8. How effective will camouflage be in the game?
                  Balancing grass draw distance is always something on our mind, and we will do our best to get it right with optimisation and gameplay in mind.

                  IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体9楼2016-02-28 12:36
                    Q9. How will matches end?
                    The win conditions depend on the game mode, but a time limit can be optionally set by the server administrator

                    IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体10楼2016-02-28 12:36