黑塔鬼吧 关注:14,201贴子:126,935




IP属地:北京1楼2016-02-29 19:33回复
    ↖( ̄▽ ̄")加油!话说工程浩大啊…确实英文剧本可以有的

    IP属地:安徽2楼2016-02-29 19:54
      "Master of 2D in 2D Space"
      [呪] 对对手咏唱从平日里累积下来的怨恨.
      [Noroi] Conjure all resentment towards the opponent.
      [太刀] 日/本专用武器.连子弹都可以轻松切开.
      [Tachi] Japan's personal weapon. It can easily cut bullets.
      [阿龟的面具] 日/本专用防具.阿龟从脖子开始向上保护着.
      [Otafuku Mask] Japan's personal defence item. It protects Japan from the neck up.
      [和服] 日/本专用防具.虽然很薄但行动轻快.
      [Kimono] Japan's personal defence item. It is thin but allows Japan to move quickly.
      [凉鞋] 从世界会议会场穿过来的凉鞋.
      [Sandals] Japan has been wearing them since the World Summit.
      以上菜单中日/本的角色描述,日文原版为"二次元の二次元マスター".B站中文版原译为"二次元的二次元MASTER",在此我将"MASTER"进一步译为"大师".而PN游戏版译为"Master of Reading Moods"(读气氛大师),与日文原版毫无关系,故在此重译.

      IP属地:北京6楼2016-02-29 21:18
        [Japan tries to open the top door in the middle of the right hall, but cannot.]
        日/本: 好像挂着锁.
        JAPAN: It seems to be locked.
        [Japan goes all the way down the hall to the kitchen. There is a small door in the top left corner of the kitchen. Japan tries to open it, but cannot.]
        日/本: 打不开呢.
        JAPAN: It won't open.
        [Japan finds a broken plate on the floor by the kitchen sink.]
        日/本: 盘子啊...已经碎了呢.为了不受伤还是小心点...
        JAPAN: The plate is broken. I have to be careful not to hurt myself.
        PN游戏版,增加了"超级吐司"(Super Toast)彩蛋.根据剧情攻略可知,日/本调查厨房的食品柜会发现腐烂的食物,继续调查则会发现"超级吐司".所谓"超级吐司"大概是一个类似传送门的东西,据说这就是为什么在后面的剧情里,日/本有时候能够"从天而降"的原因,详见后文.
        [Japan exits the kitchen and goes back to the front door. The others are not there.]
        日/本: !?...已经回去了吗?...真遗憾.
        JAPAN: !?... Did they leave, after all? What a pity!
        [Japan tries to open the front door, but it is locked.]
        日/本: 打不开...
        JAPAN: It won't open...
        [Japan goes up to the upper corridor. There is a door on the right. Japan tries to open it, but cannot.]
        日/本: 好像挂着锁.
        JAPAN: It seems to be locked.
        [There are two Tatami rooms on the left. Japan walks about, but finds nothing special in them.]
        [There are two Tatami rooms on the left. Japan finds a red box in the top right corner of the right room. He opens it and finds a note, which reads:
        'Fix the piano, repair the toilet, and leave the first-aid kit in the drawer.']
        [Japan goes back to the front door, and walks to the left hall. He tries to open the top door in the middle of the left hall, but cannot.]
        日/本: 好像挂着锁.
        JAPAN: It seems to be locked.
        [Japan walks to the end of the left hall, takes a right, and goes up, when he sees an oni at the other end of the corridor, disappearing behind a door.]

        IP属地:北京7楼2016-02-29 21:39

          来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-02-29 22:00
            [Japan goes back to the portière room, and checks the portière again. It suddenly opens.]
            日/本: !!
            JAPAN: !!
            [Germany appears from behind the portière, shaking.]
            日/本: 德...德/国桑!
            德/国: 噶嗒X12...(发抖时牙齿碰撞的声音)
            日/本: ......德/国桑,大家呢?
            德/国: 噶嗒X12...
            日/本: ......看来,还处于混/乱中呢.有什么...可以喝的拿过来就好了.
            JAPAN: G...germany!
            GERMANY: Cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla... (shaking)
            JAPAN: ... Germany, where're the others?
            GERMANY: Cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla...
            JAPAN: ... You look shaken. Let me get you something to drink.
            [Japan goes to the kitchen on the ground floor and checks the tap above the sink.]
            日/本: 水/龙/头的转钮坏掉了呢.只能找别的水了...
            JAPAN: The tap isn't working. I'll have to look for water somewhere else.
            [Japan goes to the lavatory and checks the toilet.]
            日/本: ......这也......算是水吧......轻率之举,还是不要了吧.
            JAPAN: ... Well, it is water, too... Well, let's not be so hasty.
            [Japan checks the tap above the sink.]
            日/本: 水,会出来吗?
            JAPAN: Perhaps I can get water here?
            [Sound of water dripping.]
            日/本: 啊啊,太好了.看来没坏的样子呢.
            JAPAN: Ah, thank goodness. It doesn't seem to be broken.
            Got "Water?".
            [Japan goes back to Germany.]

            IP属地:北京14楼2016-02-29 22:16
              日/本: 德/国桑,我把水拿来了.请喝了这个稍微冷静一点.
              JAPAN: Germany, I brought you some water. Please drink it, and try to calm down a bit.
              CHOICE: Do you want to give the water to Germany?
              -A. Yes.
              -B. No.
              Choose B.
              日/本: 再稍微观察一下吧.
              JAPAN: Hmm... I'll wait and see.
              Choose A.
              Use "Water?".
              日/本: 请用.只是粗水而已...
              JAPAN: Here you are. It's not filtered water, though...
              [Sound of drinking.]
              德/国: ............这,真的是水么?
              日/本: 各种意义上来说......恐怕......
              德/国: 是么......不,张惶失措了,真是抱歉.托你的福,大致冷静下来了.
              日/本: 那真是太好了.那,大家呢?
              德/国: 我也...不大清楚.总之是拼命地逃跑......和两个人都走散了...的样子.抱歉,稍微等我再整理一下.
              日/本: 我知道了.我去找一下他们两个.德/国桑就请稍微休息下吧.
              德/国: 抱歉了.啊啊,对了,在逃命的途中捡到了这个,如果能派上用场的话就用吧.
              GERMANY: ... Is that... really water?
              JAPAN: Judging by its colour... probably...
              GERMANY: I see... Anyway, sorry for falling apart likethat. I feel much better now, thanks to you.
              JAPAN: That's good to hear. So, where're the others?
              GERMANY: I'm... not sure. At any rate, we ran for our lives... And those two went in different directions... I suppose. Sorry, just... please give me a moment to pull myself together.
              JAPAN: Alright. I'll look for those two. You'd better get some rest, Germany.
              GERMANY: Sorry. Oh, by the way, I found this when I was running. Perhaps it can be of some use to you?
              Got "Key from Germany".
              [Germany hides back to behind the portière.]

              IP属地:北京15楼2016-02-29 22:25
                日/本: 现在,就让他这样吧.得先去找另外两个人.
                JAPAN: I'll leave him alone for now. I have to look for the other two.
                [Japan walks downstairs to the ground floor. He tries to open the top door in the middle of the left hall, but cannot.]
                日/本: 好像挂着锁.
                JAPAN: It seems to be locked.
                [Japan walks to the top door in the middle of the right hall.]
                Use "Key from Germany".
                [Japan unlocks the door and enters the room. This is a library. An oni appears in front of him, walks to the left and disappears. Japan checks several bookcases and then walks to a large desk. He finds an onigiri on the desk.]
                日/本: 这...这是!......普通的饭团!
                JAPAN: T-this is...! An ordinary onigiri!
                Got "Onigiri".
                [The oni appears again.Japan runs back to the door, but is caught before he can get out.]
                [Japan tries to open the door. But the door is locked.]
                日/本: 钥...钥匙......怎么会......好像是在哪里掉了.
                JAPAN: T-the key! How could it be?... It seems that I dropped it somewhere.
                [Japan begins to look for the key. The oni appears again.]
                [Japan checks the large desk and several bookcases, and finally finds the key in the bookcase near the top left corner.]
                日/本: 有了!!是钥匙!快点从这里出去吧!
                JAPAN: I found it!! It's the key! Now I have to get out of here!
                Got "Library Key".
                [Japan runs back to the door.]
                CHOICE: Do you want to use the key?
                -A. Yes.
                -B. No.
                Choose A.
                Use "Library Key".
                [Japan exits the library.]
                日/本: ......那个究竟......是什么啊......得快点找到大家才行.
                Japan: ... What... What on earth was that thing? I have to find the others as soon as possible.

                IP属地:北京16楼2016-02-29 22:42

                  IP属地:北京24楼2016-03-02 13:39
                    Got "Beer".
                    日/本: (饮料!?而且还是啤酒!?)啊,非常感谢.那么,我走了哦.
                    德/国: 啊啊.拜托你了.
                    JAPAN: (A drink!? A beer!?) Ah, thank you very much. I've got to go.
                    GERMANY: Alright. Danke.
                    日/本: (门里边究竟是什么...)
                    [Japan checks the iron door.]
                    [Sound of using a hammer and a drill.]
                    JAPAN: (What on earth is inside?)
                    [Japan walks downstairs to the ground floor. He tries to open the top door in the middle of the left hall, but cannot.]
                    日/本: 好像挂着锁.
                    JAPAN: It seems to be locked.
                    [Japan goes to the lavatory and checks the toilet.]
                    日/本: 这个马桶...似乎扔钱进去就可以买什么东西呢.
                    JAPAN: This toilet... It seems that I can buy something from it if I throw money in, somehow.
                    [Japan exits the lavatory and goes up to the door at the end of the corridor. He enters, but sees nothing. It's all dark.]
                    日/本: 哦呀,漆黑一片呢.开关在......啊,有了.
                    JAPAN: Wow, it's pitch-dark in here. Where's the light switch? Ah, here it is.
                    CHOICE: Do you want to press the switch?
                    -A. Yes.
                    -B. No.
                    Choose B.
                    [The light turns on automatically. An oni appears and kills Japan.]
                    Choose A.
                    [Japan turns on the light. This is a bathroom. However, an oni appears in front of him.]
                    日/本: !!!
                    JAPAN: !!!
                    [The light goes out again.]
                    日/本: (灭了!?这样的话...)
                    JAPAN: (It turnt the light off!? Is it going to...)
                    [The light turns on automatically. But there is no oni any more.]

                    IP属地:北京25楼2016-03-02 13:56
                      日/本: 哎!?不在......(我很担心意/大/利君.总之不快一点的话...)
                      JAPAN: Eh!? It's gone... (I'm worried about Italy. I'd better hurry.)
                      [Japan finds a key in the bath.]
                      Got "Bedroom Key".
                      [Japan exits the bathroom and walks upstairs to the first floor. He walks to the upper left corridor, tries to open the bottom door, but cannot.]
                      日/本: 打不开呢.
                      JAPAN: It won't open.
                      [Japan walks down to the lower corridor and unlocks the door on the bottom left.]
                      Use "Bedroom Key".
                      [Japan enters and finds a twin bedroom.]
                      CHOICE: Do you want to lock the door?
                      -A. Yes.
                      -B. No.
                      Choose A.
                      [Japan finds Prussia, who hides between two beds, facing the wall. Japan walks to him.]
                      普/鲁/士: 啧!!是谁!!!
                      PRUSSIA: Tss!! Wer ist da!!!
                      PRUSSIA: Tsk!! Who's there!!!

                      IP属地:北京26楼2016-03-02 14:03
                        [Prussia turns and pulls out his sword.]
                        日/本: 呜哇!请...请冷静点!是我!
                        普/鲁/士: 啊,抱...抱歉.日/本啊.
                        日/本: 您没事吧.
                        普/鲁/士: 怪......怪物不在吗!?我看见了啊!像腐败的司康饼一样颜色的全/\裸的巨人!
                        JAPAN: Whoa! C-calm down! It's me!
                        PRUSSIA: Oh, it's you, Japan! Ah, sorry.
                        JAPAN: Are you alright?
                        PRUSSIA: T-there was a monster! I saw it! A stark n/\a/\k/\e/\d giant with the colour of a rotten scone!
                        プロイセン: ば...化け物がいなかったか!?見たんだ俺!腐ったスコーンみたいな色をした全/\裸の巨人を!!

                        IP属地:北京28楼2016-03-02 14:08
                          日/本: ......
                          普/鲁/士: 是真的啊!看见了啊!我,阿西,小意也都!
                          日/本: 欸.我知道的.
                          普/鲁/士: 等回过神来就已经在这里了.和两人都......走散了.我,说了什么奇怪的话吗?
                          日/本: 不,一点都没有说什么奇怪的话.我也,遭遇了.
                          普/鲁/士: 那什么呀,那个!对...对了!!那两人怎么样了!!
                          JAPAN: ......
                          PRUSSIA: It's true! We all saw it! Me, and West, and Italy, too!
                          JAPAN: Yes, I know.
                          PRUSSIA: Before I knew it, I had wound up here. Those two... I don't know where they went. Am I making any sense?
                          JAPAN: Yes, quite. That does make sense. I saw it,too.
                          PRUSSIA: What the h/e/l/l is that thing! Oh! And what happened to those two?
                          日/本: 请冷静.可能的话,需要我给您带回来点喝的吗?
                          普/鲁/士: 哎?啊......说起来,喉咙也渴了呢.你有带着水什么的吗?
                          JAPAN: Please calm down. Would you like me to bring you something to drink?
                          PRUSSIA: Eh? Well... Now that you mention it, I do feel a bit thirsty. Have you got water or anything?
                          日/本: 落ち着いてください.よろしければ何か飲み物をお持ちしましょうか?

                          IP属地:北京29楼2016-03-02 14:09
                            日/本: 没有.但是可以去取.要给您带回来吗?
                            普/鲁/士: 也是呢......不,等等.果然还是不要了.他们两个怎么样了?
                            日/本: 德/国桑在本层的房间里,似乎是肚子饿了.但是意/大/利君还没找到.您有什么头绪吗?
                            JAPAN: No, but I can get you some. Would you like meto?
                            PRUSSIA: Yeah... No, wait. Never mind, I don't really need it. What happened to those two?
                            JAPAN: Germany is on this same floor. He claimed he was hungry. But... I haven't found Italy.Have you got a clue where he might be?
                            普/鲁/士: 哎?小意行踪不明么!?难道被那个怪物打败了什么的...
                            日/本: 百分之百...吧...但是他是逃跑速度超快的人,我坚信他总归是能逃掉的.
                            PRUSSIA: What? Italy is missing!? Do you think he was defeated by that monster?
                            JAPAN: We can be 100% certain... can't we? However,he's very fast and good at running away. I do believe he managed to escape somehow.
                            プロイセン: え゛!イタリアちゃん行方不明なのか!?まさかあの化け物にやられたってことは...
                            日/本: 100パーセント...とは...しかし逃げ足は速い人です.なんとか逃げ切っていると信じています.
                            接下来日/本的这句话,Y站英文版译者的原文是"We cannot be 100% certain"(我们不能百分之百地确定),偏向否定;而B站中文版译者翻译的是"百分之百...吧...",偏向肯定.二者刚好相反.但是日文原版里的"とは"在这里并没有否定的意思,所以我同意B站中文版译者的翻译,故在此处修正了英文部分的翻译.
                            普/鲁/士: 好,我也一起去找!首先到阿西那里去吧!那家伙在干什么啊?
                            日/本: 似乎是相当的饿甚至动弹不得了.普/鲁/士桑,有带着什么可以填肚子的东西吗?
                            普/鲁/士: 可以填肚子的啊......说起来刚才逃跑途中捡到了不知是什么的蘑菇,这个怎么样?
                            日/本: 那么就这样...
                            普/鲁/士: 好嘞!!那就,走......
                            日/本: 怎么了?
                            普/鲁/士: 是不是......有什么声音在接近?
                            PRUSSIA: Alright, then I'll look for him, too! But first, let's go to see West. What's he doing anyway?
                            JAPAN: He said he was too hungry to move. Prussia, have you got anything for him to eat?
                            PRUSSIA: Something to eat... Now that you mention it, I did find a... I reckon it's a mushroom, while I was running away. Will that do?
                            JAPAN: That should do...
                            PRUSSIA: Alright!! Then let's...
                            JAPAN: What's the matter?
                            PRUSSIA: Don't you hear the sound of something... getting... closer?
                            [Sound of something getting closer.]
                            日/本: ......
                            JAPAN: ......

                            IP属地:北京30楼2016-03-02 14:41
                              普/鲁/士: 喂,我说...
                              日/本: 什么?
                              普/鲁/士: 你锁门了吧?刚才进来的时候?
                              日/本: 我...门...
                              普/鲁/士: 额滴神...!!
                              普/鲁/士: 日/本!快逃啊!快逃命...
                              PRUSSIA: Hey, I say...
                              JAPAN: What is it?
                              PRUSSIA: Did you lock the door? When you entered the room?
                              JAPAN: I... The door...
                              [An oni comes in.]
                              PRUSSIA: Holy...!!
                              [The oni runs to them.]
                              PRUSSIA: Japan! Run! Run for your l...
                              [The oni kills them.]
                              普/鲁/士: 喂,我说...那腰间配的东西倘若不是用来装饰的话,就把它从鞘里拔出来.如果不想被吃掉的话...
                              日/本: 明白.
                              PRUSSIA: Hey, I say... if that thing on your waist isn't just for show, pull it out of its sheath. If you don't want to be eaten, that is.
                              JAPAN: Agreed.
                              プロイセン: おい,その腰のモンが飾りじゃねぇなら,鞘から抜いておけ.食われたくなかったらな...
                              日/本: 承知.
                              [Sound of pulling out swords.]
                              [Sound of banging the door.]
                              普/鲁/士: !!
                              PRUSSIA: !!
                              [Sound of banging the door.]
                              日/本: ............
                              JAPAN: ............
                              [Sound of footsteps going away.]
                              普/鲁/士: ......走了么?
                              日/本: 欸.恐怕是.
                              普/鲁/士: 好!虽然有点可怕,但总之先和阿西回合,找到小意,早点从这里出去.
                              日/本: 说的是呢.
                              PRUSSIA: ... Gone?
                              JAPAN: Yes, probably.
                              PRUSSIA: Alright. That was a bit frightening, but now we should join West. Let's find Italy and get out of here as soon as possible!
                              JAPAN: Indeed.
                              "Prussia" joined.

                              IP属地:北京31楼2016-03-02 14:46