饥荒游戏吧 关注:204,308贴子:3,000,288
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1楼2016-05-01 11:31回复
    Meet the TravellerA Bad punster/jokester unknown creature, she loves to eat everything, well almost. She's a maniac for eating. She's not very scared of everything because she thought they're all foods.

    She also has her own hat which is a.. Well.. Hat Thing. It helps her to prevent hunger and colds.
    PROS+Have a HUGE belly
    +Very Strong
    +Doesn't afraid of anything (unless there's something to make her go insane)
    +She really does not afraid of anything because she thought they're all foods
    CONS-Have a HUGE hunger
    -Which means she gets hungry very quickly
    -You have troubles to fill her up since she have a HUGE belly
    -No, seriously even a Meaty Stew is not enough for her
    -Not even a Mandrake Soup
    -Only her hat could save her hunger, if it still have it with her
    -You're a monster, which means some mobs are hostile/neutral to you
    If you still don't get it this pic probably explains you

    Craftable Items-Boomered
    -Cane Red
    -Pack Red
    *Can be found at Magic Tab, which is requires Magic Level Two.
    *Even Powerful and Faster, but be careful not hurt yourself, this is a DEADLY weapon, could kill you in one hit.
    *Healing Salve and Bandage is still not enough? This one could heal you more.
    Cane Red
    *Most powerful cane ever created, could almost replace any weapons.
    Pack Red
    *Huge storing items, and it acts like a refrigerator.
    -Notes-This is a Beta (?) character so in the future she may have more items or I'm just going to finish it up here because I suck at scripting. Miner and Farmer (Probably) coming very soon, these two are the hardest to make, I have to make their specific abilities.
    Also I'm still working on her eating ability like she even could eat the pig skin, so for now she could eat bad foods normally (except deadly feast I guess ).
    Finally if anyone complain how bad my English is just say cuz I'm from around Malaysia, I even use google translate for this man.
    This mod is not compatible with some other mods, so I suggest you to play it for alone to prevent bugs or crash.
    *UpdateLet's get extreme, she get hungrier even more. Only her hat could save her.
    -Note 11,12,2015-Everyone been asking when this mod will come out for DST, well don't worry I will put her there too, very soon.
    It took a very long time to make emoticons for her and re balance and remove some of them items, for example the Hat Thing will have durability or more.
    Also this mod is still only for Base Vanilla and RoG now, will available for SW very soon.
    Recreating this mod is really take a long time so maybe next year I able to update it more.
    -Note 26,12,2015-Yikes, everyone keep asking me when is this out for SW.
    Well I decided this mod will be available after the Shipwrecked is fully update, I don't want it like when during the updates its gonna crash every time you use it on early-access DLC, it's frustrating to update my own mod for the new content every time.
    -Note 14,1,2016-This mod are now available with Shipwrecked. But still work in progress.
    -Changes the character's sound.
    -Remove some items that cause crashes when enabling with other mods.
    -Reduced Traveler's health and sanity.
    -Reduced Canered speed and damages.
    -Some of the items are not floatable yet, so be careful when unequip or drop them while on the sea.
    -And still not available for DST, I'm sorry it took even longer than I thought since there's a lot of content in there. Especially making sprite art of it.
    -Note 15,1,2016-The DS Mod Tools seems to keep crashed or probably my mod, after the latest update it seems the mod does not active and now I cannot update it more, when I update it the mod tol always gives errors for some reasons.
    Sorry folks, looks like you have to wait for a moment for me to fix these problems, I thought it will goes flawless after 2 months but it became worse than I thought.
    -Note 17,1,2016-Well the mod are already playable but since the new update of SW-Eye of the Tiger Shark, when you equipping the Hat Thing will immedietely crash the game, I suppose it had something to do with the separation of Vanilla/RoG and SW? So for now don't use the Hat Thing yet.

    3楼2016-05-01 11:32

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        IP属地:湖北5楼2016-05-01 11:46

          6楼2016-05-01 12:04