KARMY forever:

Dear Faking It fandom:
I wrote Faking It to heal. Growing up a closeted gay teenager in North Carolina, I fell in love with quite a few of my best friends. Unlike Amy, I never said a word because rejection seemed inevitable. Needless to say, each of those friendships ended. Amy's journey was my chance to relive all of those feelings from the safety of a script. She could be brave enough to take the risks I never could. Amy could tell Karma she loved her, and I could rewrite my past.
It was always my intention to make "Karmy" happen during our final season. Karma would finally realize that her possessiveness of Amy might be a sign of deeper feelings for her best friend. She'd struggle to share these feelings with Amy, knowing she couldn't lead Amy on again unless she was sure. Unable to let another chance go by, Karma would impetuously kiss Amy, and a fresh "Whoa …"/"I know …" moment would spark this new phase of their relationship. If this makes you deliriously happy, then please stop reading and let this be the ending in your mind.(友情提示,KARMY党不要往下看)
How satisfying it would have been to finally see Karma and Amy as a true couple! There would have been lots of kisses, none of them dreams! But slowly it would have become clear that in becoming a couple, the two of them had lost something that made them … them. Eventually, they would both realize they'd have to sacrifice their relationship to save their friendship. The series would have ended with Karma and Amy's life goals intact: roommates in college, houses next door to each other, best friends forever. That is what Karmy always meant to me.
I'm sorry I won't get to tell that story (though many fans may be relieved I didn't). I'm sorry we won't get to explore Liam and Lauren's surprising romance. Or to watch Shane and Noah's relationship deepen. I'll miss Principal Penelope, Farrah and Bruce, Molly and Lucas … and, of course, Diane. I'll always wonder what happened to Lisbeth and Leila, and Reagan, and Theo and Duke. I'll miss Hester High and all of its quirks. But what I'll miss most of all is working with an amazing group of artists to deliver this message of self-acceptance and love to our fans around the world. This show healed me, and I hope it healed some of you, too. I'm deeply grateful to MTV, our amazing cast, writers and crew, and all of you for this truly special experience.
大致意思是,导演(也就是编剧)写Faking it是为了疗伤的,他爱上过好几个朋友,但是和Amy不同,因为感觉会被拒绝所以他从来没有说出口过,这些友情也都结束了。Amy就是他写来释放情感的,Amy有勇气告诉KARMA她爱她。
)Karma会激吻Amy,一个新的 "Whoa …"/"I know …" 式的KARMY吻。如果这一切让你欣喜,那么就停止读下去让这一切发生在你心中吧。(吐槽:心中心中心中心中心中

Dear Faking It fandom:
I wrote Faking It to heal. Growing up a closeted gay teenager in North Carolina, I fell in love with quite a few of my best friends. Unlike Amy, I never said a word because rejection seemed inevitable. Needless to say, each of those friendships ended. Amy's journey was my chance to relive all of those feelings from the safety of a script. She could be brave enough to take the risks I never could. Amy could tell Karma she loved her, and I could rewrite my past.
It was always my intention to make "Karmy" happen during our final season. Karma would finally realize that her possessiveness of Amy might be a sign of deeper feelings for her best friend. She'd struggle to share these feelings with Amy, knowing she couldn't lead Amy on again unless she was sure. Unable to let another chance go by, Karma would impetuously kiss Amy, and a fresh "Whoa …"/"I know …" moment would spark this new phase of their relationship. If this makes you deliriously happy, then please stop reading and let this be the ending in your mind.(友情提示,KARMY党不要往下看)
How satisfying it would have been to finally see Karma and Amy as a true couple! There would have been lots of kisses, none of them dreams! But slowly it would have become clear that in becoming a couple, the two of them had lost something that made them … them. Eventually, they would both realize they'd have to sacrifice their relationship to save their friendship. The series would have ended with Karma and Amy's life goals intact: roommates in college, houses next door to each other, best friends forever. That is what Karmy always meant to me.
I'm sorry I won't get to tell that story (though many fans may be relieved I didn't). I'm sorry we won't get to explore Liam and Lauren's surprising romance. Or to watch Shane and Noah's relationship deepen. I'll miss Principal Penelope, Farrah and Bruce, Molly and Lucas … and, of course, Diane. I'll always wonder what happened to Lisbeth and Leila, and Reagan, and Theo and Duke. I'll miss Hester High and all of its quirks. But what I'll miss most of all is working with an amazing group of artists to deliver this message of self-acceptance and love to our fans around the world. This show healed me, and I hope it healed some of you, too. I'm deeply grateful to MTV, our amazing cast, writers and crew, and all of you for this truly special experience.
大致意思是,导演(也就是编剧)写Faking it是为了疗伤的,他爱上过好几个朋友,但是和Amy不同,因为感觉会被拒绝所以他从来没有说出口过,这些友情也都结束了。Amy就是他写来释放情感的,Amy有勇气告诉KARMA她爱她。

