1. flap one's jaws 信口开河,胡说八道
Jim always starts flapping his jaws afterhe's had a couple of drinks.
2. live (from) hand to mouth 仅够糊口,勉强度日
My father earned very little and there werefour kids, so we lived from hand to mouth.
3. be the bee's knees 非常出色,顶尖
Have you tried this ice-cream? It's thebee's knees, it really is.
4. elbow grease (体力上的)重活
The polish needs a certain amount of elbowgrease to apply.
5. get sth off your chest 倾吐(心中的烦恼);将…一吐为快
I had spent two months worrying about itand I was glad to get it off my chest.
6. keep your chin up 别灰心,不要气馁
Jim always starts flapping his jaws afterhe's had a couple of drinks.
2. live (from) hand to mouth 仅够糊口,勉强度日
My father earned very little and there werefour kids, so we lived from hand to mouth.
3. be the bee's knees 非常出色,顶尖
Have you tried this ice-cream? It's thebee's knees, it really is.
4. elbow grease (体力上的)重活
The polish needs a certain amount of elbowgrease to apply.
5. get sth off your chest 倾吐(心中的烦恼);将…一吐为快
I had spent two months worrying about itand I was glad to get it off my chest.
6. keep your chin up 别灰心,不要气馁