阿鬼鬼的后花园吧 关注:3贴子:35
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Jeally:你提到过关于“家”的概念,那么你认为我们公司最不可缺少的是什么?或者说,令你选择一直留在GSC China的原因是什么?
Jeally:You mentioned that the concept of"family", then you think our most indispensable is? Or, why do youchoose to has remained in the GSC China?

IP属地:广东1楼2016-05-27 07:46回复
    Jeally:你提到过关于“家”的概念,那么你认为我们公司最不可缺少的是什么?或者说,令你选择一直留在GSC China的原因是什么?
    Jeally:You mentioned that the concept of"family", then you think our most indispensable is? Or, why do youchoose to has remained in the GSC China?
    Jason: 是的,正如我所说,让我选择一留在这里的是“人情味”。我进入CSC China工作的时候只是一名刚毕业的学生,直到现在我已经有自己的家庭,可以说这是我对这里的“情意结”。在GSC China有志同道合的同事、有良好的团队关系,甚至有令我享受的工作氛围,就跟一个“家”是一样的。当然,家庭关系是需要维护的,同事们以“公司为家”的同时,公司也会以同事为“家人”,这是一个和谐的关系。
    Jason: Yes, as I said, let me choose tostay here is the "human touch." When I entered the CSC China workonly a newly graduated student, now I have my own family, I can say that thisis where the "The cordiality ties." In GSC China,We have like-minded colleagues, a good team relationships, and evenso I enjoy working atmosphere, just like a "Family". Of course, theneed to maintain family relationships, colleagues "as company a home"at the same time, the company will take a colleague as "family",which is a harmonious relationship.

    IP属地:广东2楼2016-05-27 08:21
      Jeally: 在新的一年,我们迎来了新的机遇和挑战,在全球经济放缓的情况下,我们有新的业务迁移,有REPM业务流程的优化;有人说“这是艰难的一年”,对此你的看法是?你认为这是危机的信号吗?
      Jeally:In the new year, we ushered in new opportunities and challenges, during the global economic slowdown, we have a new businessmigration, there are REPM optimizationbusiness processes. Someone said,"This is a tough year," is this your view? Do you think this is asignal of the crisis yet?
      Jason:It can be understood, but I have always believed that"danger" and "machine" co-exist, despite the challenges weface this year is large, but also to the Group give us more support. In thecall center as an example, CCS became one single of Globle Plan, we began tointroduce a new system to replace the original manual call customeridentification process, which can not only reduce our workload will optimizethe entire banking process . Restructuring, changes in the Group's business,which is to re-examine our own opportunities. Now, the business process"downsizing" has only just begun, the management has been consideredthe first grassroots colleagues will, in fact, can be said to come from thegrass-roots process REPM colleagues.

      IP属地:广东3楼2016-05-27 08:40
        Jeally:In my opinion, you are a very successful leader, what do you thinkis the recipe for success?
        Jason:首先,积极争取。正如08年的时候我接受了北美呼叫中心转移的任务,当时是没有人敢接这份工作的,因为在GSC China这是一个全新的、未知的领域。当然现在,我们会有更加多的生意,这是我建议大家敢于去挑战,去争取的。其次,要目标明确。在我刚进入公司的时候,MarXXX提议我做了一个“一三五”的职业规划,这是我的目标,然后我实现了。 最后也是最重要的一点,不要害怕改变,GSC China一直在发展,这种改变是必须的,我们要做是适应这种变化,化“危”为“机”。
        Jason:First, actively seek. As in 2008, when I accepted the North Americancontact center migration, was no one dare to take the job, because GSC China Thisis a new, uncharted territory. Of course now, we will have more and morebusiness, which is what I recommend you dare to challenge, to fight. Second,clear objectives. When I just joined the company, MarXXX suggested that I do a"one year three years & Five years" career planning, this is mygoal, and then I realized. Finally, and most importantly, do not be afraid tochange, GSC China has been developing such a change is necessary, we need to dois to adapt to this change, the "crises" as a "machine."

        IP属地:广东4楼2016-05-27 08:59
          Jeally:最后,趁着这个机会,在GSC China 20周年之际,你有什么话想对大家说的?
          Jason: 20周年是个很值得纪念的日子,希望大家找到更多的“家人”和公司一起度过更多的20周年。

          IP属地:广东5楼2016-05-27 09:00