So this is for every kid who all's 所以这是为了每个孩子的梦想 they ever did was dreamt that 在将来的某天能得到认可 one day they would just get accepted 有一天,他们只会接受 I represent him or her, 我代表他或她 or anyone similar you are the reason 或者任何和你相似的人 that I made this song 是我写歌的原因 Everything you're scared to say 一切你所不敢说的 don't be afraid to say no more 已经不再害怕说了 From this day forward, 从这天起, just let them a-holes talk 就让那些sb们说吧 Take it with a grain of salt 有所保留的听取他们 and eat their fucking faces off 然后甩他们一脸翔 The legend of the angry blonde lives on 当我离开时我的书angry blonde中的传奇 through you when I'm gone 发生在你的身上 And to think I was 想想我是。。