v1.0b,all platforms:
Back upand overwrite the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, located at.../Infinifactory/infinifactory_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Changesfrom main game:
· Solution management
—Unlimited solution slots
Simplyuse the mouse wheel to scroll down as much as you like.
—Solution renaming
Shift-click the COPY button to rename a solution.
· Block editing
—Rotate selection
You cannow use your regular rotation keys (Q and E by default) to rotate blocksselected with the Area Selection tool.
Notethat the selection is done around the point on the selection prism that you'relooking at (i.e. if you want to avoid the selection moving around, press thekeys while looking at the selection's center). Tip: you can rotate theselection around any point by aiming at that point from the top or bottom.
—Flip selection
Asabove, you can press the "Toggle Block" key (C by default) to flipthe selection's contents.
Theblocks are flipped along the horizontal axis of the selection prism's focusedface (i.e. the face your mouse cursor is over, i.e. the one currentlydisplaying the four-arrow "move" symbol).
—Copy selection
You cannow press the "Look-Select" key (middle mouse button by default)while looking at a selection to make a copy of the selected blocks.
The copywill always be made in the direction of the selection prism's focused face.
—Add to selection
If youhold a key (Left Alt by default) while beginning a selection and some blocksare already selected, the selected blocks will be added to the existingselection.
Important: The selection prism is always drawn toencompass all selected blocks. However, this can now mean that the selectionprism can encompass blocks that are not actually selected. For example, if youhave three block in a row, and you select the first the first, then Shift-clickon the third, the selection prism will look as if it isselecting all three blocks, but in reality only the first and the third areselected. Thus, attempting to move such a selection would only move the firstand third block.
Tochange the key this is bound to, edit your save.dat and add the line Options.KeyBinding.Mod = key goes here. Example: Options.KeyBinding.Mod = left shift. A full list of key names can be found here. Important:If you specify an invalid key here, the game will crash!
—Select thing
Double-click a block to select that block, and allblocks recursively directly adjacent to it.
Notethat the same caveat as for "Add to selection" applies here as well.For example, if you have blocks arranged in a shape such as ╔, and youdouble-click the outer bend, the inner bend will appear selected whereas itwill not be.
—Quick delete
You cannow right-click to delete blocks inside a selection without letting go of theleft mouse button first.
· Other
—Version indicator
Replacedthe loading screen tips with a version indicator for this mod.
You canuse this to make sure the mod is loading properly. (If you're reading this, youmust've already seen all 7 tips many times over, right?)
—Crash reporter
Tweakedthe crash reporter to not spam Zachtronics with crash reports caused by thismod.