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IP属地:江苏1楼2017-02-19 10:06回复
    华硕 To all PG279Q owners,
    We’ll be launching a firmware update program to address an issue with the ROG SWIFT PG279Q monitor. If you’re experiencing any issues where there’s a noticeable line that appears down the middle of the monitor or bright vertical lines that either run along on the left or right edge of the monitor then you’ll require this firmware update. This is a known issue that occurs for all monitors using this specific LCD panel and only occurs for systems with Nvidia graphics cards.
    In cooperation with Nvidia we have come out with a new firmware update that will address this issue. Unfortunately the firmware can only be performed using special equipment so all monitors will need to be shipped back to our service centers to perform the firmware update.
    机翻 对所有PG279Q业主,
    我们将推出固件更新程序,以解决ROG SWIFT PG279Q显示器的问题。 如果您遇到任何问题,其中有一个明显的线出现在显示器的中间或明亮的垂直线,它们沿着显示器的左边缘或右边缘,那么你将需要此固件更新。 这是使用此特定LCD面板的所有显示器都会发生的已知问题,并且只会发生在使用Nvidia显卡的系统上。
    与Nvidia合作,我们出来了一个新的固件更新,将解决这个问题。 不幸的是,固件只能使用特殊设备执行,因此所有监视器都需要运回我们的服务中心执行固件更新。

    IP属地:江苏3楼2017-02-19 10:08
      宏基 Re: Line down the middle, overlapping image
      The Acer Community team monitors all discussions here. We also constantly report hot trends and relay any product performance concerns to the proper teams as soon as they are identified. In short, we act as a liaison between you the customer base and the Acer teams who make and maintain our product lines.
      In this case, Acer has provided a fix for the line down the middle of the screen issue, but this fix must be applied in an Acer repair center. This is not ideal for you or Acer, but unfortunately it is necessary.
      I understand that you are frustrated with this solution and with the results some of you have had with your local Support. After reading these latest posts I can understand why. But posting here is not going to solve the problem for you. The only way to get the new firmware is to contact your local Service team and arrange for a repair of the unit. Now, I'm not saying don't bother to post here. This is your Community, and we welcome your comments both good and bad...
      I'm simply telling you that your solution is not going to come by posting here. It's going to come by contacting your local support and arranging a repair.
      Acer is a global company with regional support so experiences in one region will not necessarily be the same in another. So please, call, email or chat with your local Support team and arrange for your solution. Acer wants to help.
      机翻 Re:沿着中间排列,重叠的图像

      IP属地:江苏4楼2017-02-19 10:10

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