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Sm ou第四个suspect 不过这次比po晚了不少

来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-04-28 10:13回复
    Hey everybody, the OU tiering council has decided to test Metagrossite.
    Mega-Metagross has been a common threat in the Overused metagame dating back to the start of generation six, even receiving a suspect during the middle of last generation. While it was not deemed broken in XY, many people believe that it has improved significantly during SM due to the new mechanics for mega evolving and the state of the current metagame. Mega-Metagross has an incredible offensive presence in the current metagame, with high attack and a plethora of viable coverage options and strong STABs. Mega-Metagross is not a one-trick-pony, either, as it has superb bulk on the physical side and respectable special bulk while weilding base 110 speed, allowing it to comfortably tank hits and outspeed a majority of the metagame despite the generational speed creep. Moreover, Mega-Metagross has shot to the forefront of the SM OU metagame and is viewed as a controversial threat for the aforementioned reasons.
    At the start of the generation, Mega-Metagross immediately became better due to it automatically receiving the mega speed boost and the various terrains powering up moves that it commonly uses, such as Thunder Punch in Electric Terrain and Zen Headbutt in Psychic Terrain. The surplus of Fairy types and new Pokemon that happened to be in slower speed tiers also played into the increased viability and effectiveness of Mega-Metagross. Eventually, people started to think that Mega-Metagross was potentially banworthy and as the metagame developed, people wondered if the amount of counterplay in the tier was sufficient or not. Mega-Scizor became a bit more popular as a countermeasure to Mega-Metagross, but Mega-Metagross still found itself threatening to almost every team lacking Mega-Scizor and it occasionally elected to utilize Hidden Power Fire in order to adapt to the metagame trends. As more time elapsed, Mega-Metagross maintained its position among the best Pokemon in the metagame. With that said, some may think that Mega-Metagross finds itself spread quite thin in terms of moves it can use and view this as a limiting factor. Every Pokemon can only use four moves at the end of the day and there are ways to scout Mega-Metagross and sometimes team structure gives away the moves it might be carrying.
    Going off of this note, Mega-Metagross almost always runs Meteor Mash and one of Hammer Arm or Earthquake. It can also utilize coverage or utility moves such as Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Pursuit, Hidden Power Fire, Rock Polish/Agility, and Stealth Rock. As to how strong of an asset this versatility is, that is in the eye of the beholder. Keep in mind that prediction is generally a two-way-street in the context of a suspect, so you cannot assume that the Mega-Metagross user will always predict corretly or that the opponent will always pivot safely when discussing the impact of the aforementioned coverage. With this said, Mega-Metagross still can only use four moves at a time and the moveset is often predictable based on teammates, so there still is an element of predictability and, in certain match-ups, it makes Mega-Metagross much less threatening offensively. Mega-Metagross using mostly consistent coverage essentially means that pokemon such as Skarmory, Physically Defensive Tangrowth, and Mega-Slowbro check/counter most Mega-Metagross variants. Additionally, common choice scarf users like Garchomp and fast offensive threats like Greninja can revenge kill or consistently force out Mega-Metagross, making it hard to consistently threaten offensive teams. Therefore, each common archetype of team has means of dealing with Mega-Metagross to varying degrees depending on what they elect to use and Mega-Metagross elects to use itself.
    Ultimately, these are the pros and cons of Mega-Metagross in the SM OU metagame, so weighing out those variables and determining if there is satisfactory counterplay in the metagame will lead to individuals coming to an ultimate conclusion as to if they deem Mega-Metagross banworthy or not.
    Due to the fact that Mega-Metagross has been a consistently controversial Pokemon since the dawn of the generation, and that there are legitimate claims to it being a broken force in the metagame, the OU tiering council has decided that it is time for a suspect test.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-04-28 10:14
      这个无条件支持ban 没啥可说了

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-04-28 10:15
        看了一下权限们的观点 这次有一些分歧 两个权限不支持ban

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-04-28 10:24

          IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端5楼2017-04-28 10:48
            的确PO 已经suspect了一个星期了呢

            IP属地:美国6楼2017-04-28 10:58

              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端7楼2017-04-28 11:06
                ban了大部分队伍都不能用了2333 受

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端8楼2017-04-28 11:06

                  IP属地:北京9楼2017-04-28 11:41

                    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端10楼2017-04-28 11:55

                      来自Android客户端11楼2017-04-28 12:17

                        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端12楼2017-04-28 12:19

                          IP属地:日本来自Android客户端13楼2017-04-28 12:20
                            反对 个人认为m巨金之所以这么强是因为它的每一项能力都能得A 但都达不到S 这么高的使用率有一半锅得给蝶蝶 mega巨金双本打击面捉急 其余技能力度不足 要先制追击强化就必须牺牲打击面 要更广的打击面就必须牺牲力度 还有 如今围巾和忍蛙横行对它而言也是很大的威胁

                            IP属地:美国来自Android客户端15楼2017-04-28 13:16

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端16楼2017-04-28 13:19