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Freckles. Have you seen those pretty little spotsthat dapple some skin? Even though the concept of freckles still remain a bitof a puzzle, over the years the freckled variety have gotten a lot of criticismfor being unappealing and showing signs of poor sun-care habits. But in today'smodern era with scientific research expanding per minute, the views are finallychanging. Some people believe that freckles indicate too much sun activity buton the contrary it actually means, they don't get enough sun activity. Now, people with freckles wear them withpride and honour.
What are freckles?
Freckles are small, light brown spots that usuallyappear on the face and are also found on any skin that is exposed to sunlight,like neck and shoulders. Freckles are more common on people with faircomplexion, as they tend to sunburn easily. Freckles also develop as result ofgenetic inheritance. Intriguingly, research shows that identical twins havenearly the same number of freckles. Exposure to sun for a longer duration oftime will enhance the freckles wherever present on your body. It is best toavoid exposure to sunlight for longer period of time in order to avoid theseissues.
Freckles and itstype:
Namely, two types of freckles can be found:
1. Ephelides- These are themore common type of freckles. They appear on faces and hands of people who arefair by complexion after prolonged exposure to sun. The ephelides appear darkerif they are exposed to the UV-rays for longer time. They typically appear duringthe summer and tend to disappear during winter, where there's a lack of UVradiation. The freckles are basically hereditary.
2. Lentigines- Lentigines areusually darker than ephelides and seasonal change doesn't make a difference tothem. They are also of two types, one that occur regularly on hands and face ofmid aged or older people which are called solar lentigines. The other type offreckles are odd shaped which are generally simple lentigines.

IP属地:四川1楼2017-05-05 16:00回复
    大家觉得有哪里稍微地改动一下让文章更reader friendly? Thx a lot:)

    IP属地:四川2楼2017-05-05 16:00