So you’re the one who caught the Zygarde that appeared in Resolution Cave, Champion![VAR 0114(0027)] We were also able to catch a Zygarde![VAR 0114(0026)] Impressive! Two Zygarde? There’s something even more impressive![VAR 0114(0026)] Correct! Two Zygarde.[VAR 0114(0026)] The Zygarde you fought and captured in Resolution Cave is in its 50% Forme. And the Zygarde we found is in what is known as its 10% Forme.[VAR 0114(0027)] That’s right...50% and 10%. Zygarde can use various forms depending on the situation! It’s quite a unique Pokémon, don’t you agree?[VAR 0114(0026)] If you’re interested, I’ll give you the Zygarde we caught. You could combine the two to see what will happen. But only if you can beat me![VAR 0114(0027)] I’m up for the challenge! I’m not ready yet No problem. Come when you’re ready.[VAR 0114(0027)] Then I’ll let my precious partners go wild![VAR 0114(0027)] Not only did we find Zygarde, but I also had a chance to battle the Champion! Coming to Alola was definitely a good decision.[VAR 0114(0027)] Take good care of Zygarde, please![VAR 0114(0027)] It seems like your Boxes are full, and you can’t take Zygarde. Please come back once you’re ready![VAR 0114(0027)] It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Champion.[VAR 0114(0026)] Now, allow me to explain the Reassembly Unit![VAR 0114(0026)] Sina... You don’t waste even a second.[VAR 0114(0027)] The Reassembly Unit is a device that has something to do with Zygarde. The machine is capable of assembly and separation of Zygarde.[VAR 0114(0026)] Assembly change the Forme of Zygarde! Now, Dexio, it’s your turn.[VAR 0114(0026)] Oh...Sina, Sina, Sina... Anyway... There are two ways to assemble Zygarde. One is to add Cells you collected to Zygarde.[VAR 0114(0027)] The other is to create a new Zygarde with only Cells! You see, Zygarde can change its Forme by gathering parts of itself known as Cells![VAR 0114(0026)] Next we’ll explain about separation.[VAR 0114(0027)] To separate Zygarde... It means to return Zygarde to its Cells![VAR 0114(0026)] Separated Cells will be returned to the Zygarde Cube.[VAR 0114(0027)] For your information, according to the research by the professor who’s sent us to Alola, Zygarde is divided into 100 Cells and Cores.[VAR 0114(0027)] Depending on the number of Cells and Cores, the shape of Zygarde will be different... In other words, Zygarde changes its Forme![VAR 0114(0026)] Oh, I almost forgot! We need to give you the Zygarde Cube, too![VAR 0114(0026)] It also has the 40 Zygarde Cells we gathered.[VAR 0114(0026)] Zygarde is said to maintain the order of the Kalos then why is it in Alola? Does it have something to do with the Ultra Beasts that have appeared?[VAR 0114(0027)] Who knows...? Maybe Zygarde itself will tell us someday. Anyhow...we’ll be taking our leave now! Bon voyage![VAR 0114(0026)]
这一段 看了个大概 主角在终结洞窟抓了野生50%Z 德克希欧他们抓了10%Z 打完之后德克希欧送了那个10%Z和另一个新的装了40细胞的多面体 加上一开始给主角收集细胞的 两只群聚基格尔德
这一段 看了个大概 主角在终结洞窟抓了野生50%Z 德克希欧他们抓了10%Z 打完之后德克希欧送了那个10%Z和另一个新的装了40细胞的多面体 加上一开始给主角收集细胞的 两只群聚基格尔德