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A prominent psychiatrist once commented: “Some of the most self-destructive acts take place in the name of revenge.” When your emotions are out of control at work, it’s always a good idea to take some time to cool down before trying to resolve whatever’s bugging you. Accusations made in anger are usually unprofessional, inappropriate, and counterproductive. Once said, they can never be taken back and are seldom forgotten. In the heat of the moment, strong feelings can convert small flare-ups into enduring animosities that can destroy a career. Rather than go into an emotional tailspin, try (if possible) to develop more of a rational problem-solving approach.
一个著名的精神病专家曾说过:“一些严重自我毁灭式的行为就是以报仇之名进行的。” 如果在工作时你情绪失控了,那么在试着解决烦扰你的问题之前先花些时间让自己冷静下来不失为一个好办法。怒气冲冲地指责通常是不道德的、不恰当的,会产生相反的效果。一旦说出去了,这些话也绝不能收回或忘记了。情绪激动时,强烈的感情会将突然发作的怒气转化成一种持久的可能会摧毁职业的敌意。可能的话要试着找到一种解决问题的更理性的方法,而不是使自己情绪失控。

1楼2017-12-23 18:57回复