《Golden Dark cloud》=《金色的乌云》
《Dark Golden Dusk》=《暗金的黄昏》
Abandon oneself to pleasure 纵情欢乐
They thought his behaviour was abnormal. 他们认为他行为不正常。
The news soon spread abroad. 消息很快传开了。
There are abrupt weather changes. 天有不测风云。
He had a very abrupt manner. 他的态度非常无理。
He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然的看着我。
Did you accept his statement was true? 你认为他说的是实话吗?
He asked her to marry him and she accepted, 他向她求婚了,她同意了。
He is a man of difficult access. 他这人很难接近。
Our meeting was a pure accident. 我们的相遇纯属偶然。
They accomplished their mission. 他们完成了使命。
I accord you my blessing. 我祝福你。
achieve great victories 取得伟大胜利。
He acknowleadged me by lifting his hat. 他举帽向我示意。
She sat across from me. 她坐在我的对面。
Many soldiers of both sides were killed in action. 双方都有是许多士兵死于战斗。
Running away is an act of cowardice. 逃跑是懦弱的行为。
Administer justice 执行审判
Do you mire this picture? 你欣赏这幅画吗?
He admitted his guilt. 他承认了自己的罪行。
a very small affiair 芝麻小事
That’s my affair,not yours. 那是我的事,与你无关。
You’ll regret it afterwards. 你以后会后悔的。
Say it again,please.请再说一遍。
I swam against the stream. 我逆流而游。
Television violence can encourage aggression in children.电视中的暴力内容会助长儿童的好斗行为。
Complete agreement between theory and practice is a rare case. 理论与现实完全一致的例子是少有的。
He has an air of dignity. 他有一种威严的神态。
castles in the air 空中楼阁
Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。
All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。
You are my all. 你是我的一切。
~ made an alliance with ~。 ~和~缔结同盟。
the Allies 联军