PS:永恒黑并不叫Eternal Black,官方叫永恒黑Black
Q&A 问答:
Q1:If the ink iswaterproof, do you need to use something other than water to clean your pen?
A1-Q1:No. Cleaninga pen is easy. It is only waterproof on cellulose based products. Examples forthese products are cellulose paper, cotton (90%), and wool (50%). Be carefulnot to get this ink on clothing. Do not be concerned with getting this ink onthe skin. It will wash off with soap and water. This is a great ink.
By Gust Hapsis Jr.on January 2, 2014
A2-Q1:Water shouldclean most of it out of your pen because its only water proof on paper. I thisit chemically bonds with the paper. It is still harder to clean this stuff outof your pen then regular ink, I use a pen cleaner solution. Diluted ammoniashould work. Goulet fountain pens sell a cheap pen cleaner.
By Garrett onJanuary 6, 2014
回答1:不需要。清洁一支钢笔很简单。永恒黑只会在纤维基的物品上面防水。比方说由90%棉花和50%羊毛做的纤维纸。一定要小心别让这墨水弄到衣服上面。墨水弄到了皮肤上不要担心,用肥皂洗一洗就没了。这款墨水非常好。(Gust Hapsis Jr,2014-1-2)
Q2: Lamy said my leakcould be because of this ink. Any other Lamy owners experience this problem?
A1-Q2: What kind of leak?I've never had a problem using this in my Lamy Safari and AL-Star. It is afairly wet ink, and might run if you're not careful, but it's never caused mypen to leak.
By Michael onOctober 8, 2013
A2-Q2: I have used thisink in several Lamy Safari & Al-Star pens for 4 years. It has never givenme any trouble. In fact the ONLY problem I have ever had was when I switched toLAMY ink. The Lamy ink clogged my pen and although I tried many times to clearit, it remains unusable to this day. I have also used Carbon Ink in my Lamypens without any trouble. I have found the Lamy adapters can be leaky and preferto take an Lamy ink cartridge (nice and long) and empty it with a syringe,clean it, and then refill it with a syringe - it fits better (no leaks) andholds more ink than the adapter does. Hope that helps.
By Taka onFebruary 19, 2014
Reviews 测评:
2017-6-28 Byjuanmrz
Excellent forartists, 100% waterproof
5 Stars
Dont trust the badreviews, THIS INK IS 100% WATERPROOF, I bought it specifically to paintwatercolors on top of it, right now Ive used canson, fabriano and winsor andnewton paper, from 90gsm to 300gsm and it didnt bleed or smear in any of thoseafter putting watercolors on top, I just bought a second bottle of the sameblack ink because now im sure this is the ink ill be using for the rest of mylife
2014-10-29 By AdamWalker Cleaveland
Not Good forWatercolors on Top
2 Stars
I'm giving this a2 just because in my experience, it was NOT waterproof. I let it dry for over24 hours, and then when I went to put watercolors over the top of it - it stillbled.
In my book, thatmeans it's not waterproof. You can see where the sketch of the Lamy Safari penhits the red watercolors, it bleeds.
I also licked myfinger, and ran it over text that I had written that had been dry for 24 hours,and it smudged. Other commenters here said that it did NOT smudge. I don't knowwhat to say about that, except mine smudged.