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Temple + mod发布


AI加强特别明显,sleep法术已经用处不大了,敌人会wake up睡着的同伴。
We are pleased to announce the first release of project Temple+, an Engine Enhancement and Bugfixes mod for ToEE.
Temple+ enables replacing original ToEE C code with our own brand new 1's and 0's. This has allowed us to do things that have never before been possible with ToEE modding, such as fixing many old and stubborn hardcoded bugs, improving UI behavior, enhancing the core pathfinding algorithm, and much much more. In particular, the entire rendering system has been overhauled for compatibility with modern systems, which also fixes the graphical issues encountered by Win10 users.
We are very excited by the opportunities this opens up for gameplay and modding, and look forward to working with the community to shape the future of ToEE. For us, it is a chance to realize the GotY Edition ToEE never had It is furthermore an open-source project, hosted on GitHub - everyone can contribute, whether it be code or documentation on the on-site Wiki.
This first release of Temple+ (v1.0) is focused on laying the foundations for future expansion, replacing many of the original systems with our own. Building on this base, we have many plans for the future, including a thorough UI overhaul, new Classes, Feats and Spell Effects, smarter AI, and so on. You'll already find a glimpse of that in 1.0, and it's only going to get better! In between major releases, you'll also be able to enjoy automated updates to keep current with minor enhancements and fixes.

IP属地:中国台湾1楼2018-04-09 17:29回复
    试了下载,但是安装好后提示错误runtime error

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2018-04-09 19:01

      来自Android客户端3楼2018-04-30 23:00