1.Download the latest NVIDIA Profile Inspector (use 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract files):
a. 2.Inside the folder, select all files and right-click then hit ‘copy’.
3.Go to your Manhunt installation folder.
4.Make a folder called ‘nv_inspector_manhunt’ (all lower case, no spaces).
5.Paste the files inside that folder, then open ‘nvidiaInspector.exe’ (hit update app at the bottom if needed, it will restart automatically with the latest version, should not take long to update).
6.Once the app is fully updated, click on the tiny square icon on the middle right next to driver version, a window should pop up, at the top left, click on the profile box and find your game (Manhunt) and click on it.
7.Under #2 Sync and Refresh section, find ‘Frame Rate Limiter’ and set it to ’61.8 fps’.
8.Hit ‘Apply Changes’ at the top right, and close Nvidia Inspector.
AMD Users:
1.Open AMD Radeon Software or Control Center depending your ATI graphic card.
2.Open the settings app for Manhunt.exe
3.Set the game app frame rate to 60. Apply changes and save. Close the AMD software afterwards.