The Mogadorians
The Mogadoriansare the main antagonists of the series. Mogadorians are aliens from the planet of Mogadore. They set out to conquer Lorien for their resources after their own planet started dying from a lack of it. The Mogs follow the teachings of Setrakus Ra through his "Great Book", which intels violence and respect for the strong. They often say "By Ra" in respect to their leader Setrákus Ra. Mogadore is twice the size of Lorien and around a fifth of Earth's size. They hunt the Garde out of fear. They are planning on conquering the Earth after destroying the Garde.
According to descriptions byKatarinaandHenri, Mogadorians soldiers/scouts have whitealbino-like skin, black eyes, and serrated teeth, which are actually vat-born/clones, made by Setrakus Ra and his scientists to increase the Mogadorian population problem and made stronger, faster, but not as smart as a Trueborn Mog. Trueborn Mogadorians are effectively identical in appearance to humans. All are gregarious and share a predilection for cities and crowded places. The Mogadorians are having a harder time conceiving children. And even if a child is born, mothers often die in childbirth.
莫加多尔人是该系列的主要反派。莫加多尔人是来自莫加多尔星球的外星人。在他们的星球因缺乏资源而人员逐渐消亡之后,他们开始征服Lorien已取得它的资源。 Mogs遵循Setrakus Ra的教诲,通过他的《伟人之书》,书中强调暴力和尊重强者。他们经常对他们的领导人SetrákusRa说“By Ra”(我们现在所得的一切都是Ra所给予的)。 Mogadore的面积是Lorien的两倍,大约是地球大小的五分之一。他们出于恐惧而追捕加尔德。他们计划在摧毁加尔德后征服地球。
根据Katarina和Henri的描述,Mogadorians士兵/侦察兵有如同白化病一般的白色皮肤,黑眼睛和锯齿状牙齿,实际上是克隆体,由Setrakus Ra及其科学家制造以增加Mogadorian人口问题并制作使其更强壮,更快,但不像Trueborn Mog那样聪明。 Trueborn Mogadorians在外观上与人类完全相同。所有人都很合群,并且偏爱城市和拥挤的地方。莫加多尔人不容易孕育自己的孩子。即使孩子出生,母亲也经常在分娩时死亡。
The Mogadoriansare the main antagonists of the series. Mogadorians are aliens from the planet of Mogadore. They set out to conquer Lorien for their resources after their own planet started dying from a lack of it. The Mogs follow the teachings of Setrakus Ra through his "Great Book", which intels violence and respect for the strong. They often say "By Ra" in respect to their leader Setrákus Ra. Mogadore is twice the size of Lorien and around a fifth of Earth's size. They hunt the Garde out of fear. They are planning on conquering the Earth after destroying the Garde.
According to descriptions byKatarinaandHenri, Mogadorians soldiers/scouts have whitealbino-like skin, black eyes, and serrated teeth, which are actually vat-born/clones, made by Setrakus Ra and his scientists to increase the Mogadorian population problem and made stronger, faster, but not as smart as a Trueborn Mog. Trueborn Mogadorians are effectively identical in appearance to humans. All are gregarious and share a predilection for cities and crowded places. The Mogadorians are having a harder time conceiving children. And even if a child is born, mothers often die in childbirth.
莫加多尔人是该系列的主要反派。莫加多尔人是来自莫加多尔星球的外星人。在他们的星球因缺乏资源而人员逐渐消亡之后,他们开始征服Lorien已取得它的资源。 Mogs遵循Setrakus Ra的教诲,通过他的《伟人之书》,书中强调暴力和尊重强者。他们经常对他们的领导人SetrákusRa说“By Ra”(我们现在所得的一切都是Ra所给予的)。 Mogadore的面积是Lorien的两倍,大约是地球大小的五分之一。他们出于恐惧而追捕加尔德。他们计划在摧毁加尔德后征服地球。
根据Katarina和Henri的描述,Mogadorians士兵/侦察兵有如同白化病一般的白色皮肤,黑眼睛和锯齿状牙齿,实际上是克隆体,由Setrakus Ra及其科学家制造以增加Mogadorian人口问题并制作使其更强壮,更快,但不像Trueborn Mog那样聪明。 Trueborn Mogadorians在外观上与人类完全相同。所有人都很合群,并且偏爱城市和拥挤的地方。莫加多尔人不容易孕育自己的孩子。即使孩子出生,母亲也经常在分娩时死亡。