今日更新:配文好长不想翻……大意是不要把一切的过错揽在自己身上,环境也很重要。原文:🌸 “When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” 👌 • 🌟 I think it’s so easy to forget how much our surroundings 👉 (friends, family, job, situations, etc.) affect us... it’s so so easy to put everything on ourselves, I tend to put myself as the reason for things that don’t go well.. to pin point failures on my insecurities or all the things I’m not doing.. instead of paying attention to all the other factors in my life. YIKES. 👎😫 BUT sometimes it just takes some change so that we can grow. Putting ourselves in different situations & allowing different people into our lives. “De-weeding” our garden so to speak, so we can thrive. 😊❤️ • So if you feel weighed down or held back, I hope you know you’re wonderful & you got this! ❤️ Look inwards but also look at what’s around you, look at what changes could maybe affect your life in big ways! 👊