动物园大亨2游戏吧 关注:193贴子:2,640
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Hey guys! I haven't been working on anything for a while now, because I've been very busy at work. I will have more time in the upcoming weeks though!
I should probably have showed the last item of the gift shop pack V3 already, but I was too lazy too make a building to put the sign on. I made a simple Zoo Shop logo which has a couple of variants (they're all awesome though).
大家好! 我暂时没有做任何工作,因为我一直忙于工作。 我会在接下来的几周里有更多的时间!
我可能已经展示了礼品店包V3的最后一项,但是我太懒了也建造了一个建筑物来放置标志。 我制作了一个简单的Zoo Shop徽标,它有几个变种唷

1楼2018-09-02 21:14回复
    This one is the 'Safari' style sign, matching the original banner and ad sign that are included in the gift shop pack.

    2楼2018-09-02 21:17
      Ofcourse it's possible to make just one set with a dozen color variants, but it's pretty annoying decorating a room that way. I know most of the players don't like the color variants for such items.
      当然,有可能只用一打颜色变体制作一套,但这样装饰房间非常烦人。 我知道大多数玩家不喜欢这些物品的颜色变体。

      4楼2018-09-02 21:43
        Sorry, I started another random project. I've been wanting netting fences for ages now, and I love the ones they have in Dolfinarium Harderwijk, so I finally made them. As usual, I can't just make one object, I have to make lots of them.
        W can really use more simple fences that can be used around guest areas.
        对不起,我开始了另一个随机项目。 我现在一直想要网围栏,我喜欢他们在Dolfinarium Harderwijk的那些,所以我终于制作了它们。 像往常一样,我不能只做一个对象,我必须做很多。

        5楼2018-09-02 21:50