Hey guys! I haven't been working on anything for a while now, because I've been very busy at work. I will have more time in the upcoming weeks though!
I should probably have showed the last item of the gift shop pack V3 already, but I was too lazy too make a building to put the sign on. I made a simple Zoo Shop logo which has a couple of variants (they're all awesome though).
大家好! 我暂时没有做任何工作,因为我一直忙于工作。 我会在接下来的几周里有更多的时间!
我可能已经展示了礼品店包V3的最后一项,但是我太懒了也建造了一个建筑物来放置标志。 我制作了一个简单的Zoo Shop徽标,它有几个变种唷

I should probably have showed the last item of the gift shop pack V3 already, but I was too lazy too make a building to put the sign on. I made a simple Zoo Shop logo which has a couple of variants (they're all awesome though).
大家好! 我暂时没有做任何工作,因为我一直忙于工作。 我会在接下来的几周里有更多的时间!
我可能已经展示了礼品店包V3的最后一项,但是我太懒了也建造了一个建筑物来放置标志。 我制作了一个简单的Zoo Shop徽标,它有几个变种唷