我们去看看我的手机。 - You know, even if I was crazy, it doesn't mean you can't buy the book for your husband. => - 即使我疯了,也不代表你不能为你的丈夫买书。 They're unrelated. => 他们是无关的。 MAN: Listen here, Jermaine, your dad and I spent 15 years together on the LAPD before I started working at this disgusting mall and he always told me his dream was for you to go to college. => 男:在这里听,Jermaine,我和你爸爸在我开始在这个令人恶心的商场工作之前一起度过了15年的LAPD,他总是告诉我他的梦想是让你上大学。
我在大学做了一点改进,好吗?我觉得我很好。 - LEROY: We'll take it from here. => LEROY:我们从这里拿走。 - Oh, actually, if you could show me how to fix it, that'd be great. => - 哦 => 好吧。 Uh, M Uh-huh. => 嗯。 I'm, uh, more of a fax machine guy. => 我是,呃,更多的是传真机的人。 "
(THUNDER CRASHES) Gregor. => (雷击)格雷戈尔。 => 我听到噪音时正在睡觉。 I came up and passed by poor Nikita's apartment, and I noticed the door was open. => 我走过并穿过可怜的尼基塔的公寓,我注意到门已经打开。 I think there's been an intruder. => 我觉得有一个入侵者。 I'm sure it's nothing, ma'am. => 我
DOOR CREAKS OPEN) (CREAKING) (RUSTLING NEARBY) (RUSTLING CONTINUES) (FIERCE GRUNTING) Wait, wait Who are you? What are you doing here? I'm Detective Baciu. => (门嘎吱嘎吱的打开)(吱吱作响)(附近的拉斯林)(拉斯林继续)(火炬接力)等等,等等你是谁?你在这里做什么?我是Baciu侦探。 Joseph Baciu. =>