After falling into critical condition, you can no longer take any action other than search for Gan Tanfu.
This means that if you are able to find Gan Tanfu, you can continue the game like normal, starting with the Draw Action.
If you are not able to find Gan Tanfu on your first or second round after falling into critical condition, then yes, you must skip the entire round without taking any action.
After falling into critical condition, your only course of action is to find Gan Tanfu and be revived back to full health. If you pick a card that is not Gan Tanfu, you do not take its action.
Abacus only grants you the option to draw 2 Item cards instead of 1 Stratagem + 1 Item card during your Draw Action.
In other words, if you choose to use Abacus as your alternate Draw Action, you will draw 2 Items cards and choose to keep only 1 Item and discard the other.
You no longer get to draw a Stratagem.