vanessa carlton - a thousand miles
making my way down town 穿梭市区
walking fast 快步行走
faces pass 人来人往
and i'm home bound 归心似箭
staring blankly ahead 我目不斜视
just making my way 大步流星
making a way
through the crowd 穿过人群
and i need you 我须要你
and i miss you 我想念你
and now i wonder 不禁纳闷
if i could fall 如果我能徜佯天际
into the sky
do you think time 你想光阴可会流逝
would pass me by
cause you know i'd walk a thousand miles因为我会跋涉千里
if i could just see you... tonight 只为今夜能见你一面
vanessa carlton - a thousand miles
making my way down town 穿梭市区
walking fast 快步行走
faces pass 人来人往
and i'm home bound 归心似箭
staring blankly ahead 我目不斜视
just making my way 大步流星
making a way
through the crowd 穿过人群
and i need you 我须要你
and i miss you 我想念你
and now i wonder 不禁纳闷
if i could fall 如果我能徜佯天际
into the sky
do you think time 你想光阴可会流逝
would pass me by
cause you know i'd walk a thousand miles因为我会跋涉千里
if i could just see you... tonight 只为今夜能见你一面