如果是老玩家看到 Grimy这单词就应该知道这是个不错的mod了吧。
Anarchist. Bruiser. Fury. Headhunter.
Originally designed by GrimyBunyip for vanilla xcom2.
Honestly, I'm surprised no one got around to porting these sooner. This mod implements the classes themselves, and their GTS unlocks. The perks are all contained in Mitzruti Perk Pack.
Choose My Class is not required, I'm just using it to make pretty preview pictures.
True to their original form, they each have 2 rows of perks.
AnarchistPrimary: Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Gremlin
Squaddie Skills: Intrusion Protocol, Grenade Pocket
A supportive demolitionist, as well as a capable hacker. but be aware that they have limited uses for all their attacks.
I have a couple changes in this class:
-light ordnance and launch grenade are attached to the GL instead of the class.
-long shot, which never actually did anything, has been swapped for haywire protocol.
BruiserPrimary: Shotgun
Secondary: Pistol
Squaddie Skills: Pistol Shot, Gunpoint
A tough frontliner that can hold enemies at gunpoint, stunning them and using them as cover.
FuryPrimary: Cannon
Secondary: Psi Amp
Squaddie Skills: Strafing Fire
A mobile assault with imperfect psi powers that cost HP, but can be activated with strafing AP which are granted any time you move.
HeadhunterPrimary: Sniper Rifle
Secondary: Sword
Squaddie Skills: Slash, Penetrating Shot, Rushed Shot
A sniper that can move and then fire, but many of their abilities target randomly selected foes. Or you can mark targets and then decapitate them.
Anarchist. Bruiser. Fury. Headhunter.
Originally designed by GrimyBunyip for vanilla xcom2.
Honestly, I'm surprised no one got around to porting these sooner. This mod implements the classes themselves, and their GTS unlocks. The perks are all contained in Mitzruti Perk Pack.
Choose My Class is not required, I'm just using it to make pretty preview pictures.
True to their original form, they each have 2 rows of perks.
AnarchistPrimary: Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Gremlin
Squaddie Skills: Intrusion Protocol, Grenade Pocket
A supportive demolitionist, as well as a capable hacker. but be aware that they have limited uses for all their attacks.
I have a couple changes in this class:
-light ordnance and launch grenade are attached to the GL instead of the class.
-long shot, which never actually did anything, has been swapped for haywire protocol.
BruiserPrimary: Shotgun
Secondary: Pistol
Squaddie Skills: Pistol Shot, Gunpoint
A tough frontliner that can hold enemies at gunpoint, stunning them and using them as cover.
FuryPrimary: Cannon
Secondary: Psi Amp
Squaddie Skills: Strafing Fire
A mobile assault with imperfect psi powers that cost HP, but can be activated with strafing AP which are granted any time you move.
HeadhunterPrimary: Sniper Rifle
Secondary: Sword
Squaddie Skills: Slash, Penetrating Shot, Rushed Shot
A sniper that can move and then fire, but many of their abilities target randomly selected foes. Or you can mark targets and then decapitate them.