There can be little doubt that more and more people are becoming addicted to computer games and this is especially true for young adults. My view is this is a dangerous development for both society and the people concerned.
The dangers to society of computer gaming addiction among young adults are clear. There is strong evidence to show that there is a connection between violent crime and playing games that do not respect human life. I
One particular problem is that they are at a stage of life when they need to concentrate on establishing relationships and perhaps starting families. Again there is evidence to show that people who play too many games find it more difficult to build a lasting relationship and if they do, they provide a poor example to their children.
This is because too much gaming can cause loss of concentration and that in turn can lead to reduced efficiency in the workplace. This is of course a problem for the company and may also lead to the individual failing to get promotion or even being fired.
Most people would agree that young people need to be taught about the importance of recycling waste products and packaging.
The argument in favour of teaching children at school about recycling is largely based around the idea that children learn best at school. This is because teachers have a natural authority over their pupils who are used to learning from them and schools are a natural environment for learning. Additionally, the need for recycling could easily be included in the school curriculum in biology and geography classes.
There are two main reasons why people think parents taking responsibility for this training could be more effective. The first is that the majority of recycling takes place in the home and parents can therefore more easily control the recycling habits of their children. If, for example, parents see their child put a recyclable bottle in the wrong bin, they can explain that it needs to go in another bin. The other very practical point is that often children spend more time at home than at school and so parents may have more effect.
The major argument against hosting international sporting events is financial. Typically, it can cost several million pounds to build the arenas and modernise the infrastructure so that it can cater for the athletes and the spectators. This money, it is argued, would be better spent on welfare and education programmes that provide direct support for the population. Indeed, some governments have incurred so much debt through hosting the Olympic Games that they have had to reduce spending on other social programmes.
hosting sporting events does also bring significant benefits. First among these is the honour and prestige it brings to the host country because that country will be the centre of the sporting world for the duration of the event. For many people this is beyond any price.
More than that, if the authorities plan carefully, they can use the occasion of the sporting event to help finance public works that benefit the whole population in the long term. For example, the village for the athletes can be transformed into public housing .
My own view is that it is an honour for a country to host a major sporting event.
4 农业
One is that the world's population has exploded within the past century and that traditional methods of agriculture could not provide sufficient food for everyone. It can also be argued that we need more efficient methods of farming because many countries in Asia and Africa suffer regular famine and droughts and the people would starve if it was not for genetically modified crops that are drought resistant. It should also not be forgotten that the quality of life of farmers has been improved by these advances which are less labour intensive.
Firstly, it is claimed that a variety of diseases such as bird flu were caused by conditions in factory farms and that organic food is much healthier. Then, there are concerns about the lack of research into how genetically modified crops might affect the ecosystem for the worse.
I suggest that there should be more investment in traditional farming methods to make them more efficient and that there should be stronger legislation to ensure that both factory farms and GM crops are safe.
A serious concern nowadays is how our eating habits can affect our health. In particular, it has been demonstrated that eating too much junk food can lead to health issues later in life. One sensible suggestion for dealing with this is to improve the level of health education so that we eat better and live longer. My belief though is that this would not completely solve the problem.
One reason why focusing on health education is an appropriate measure is that it addresses one underlying cause of the problem. It is clear that there is a connection between what people know about nutrition and their eating habits. For example, children who have learned in school about the need to have a varied diet with plenty of vitamins tend to eat more healthily. In contrast, people who have not had this education still eat too much junk food and as a result suffer from diabetes and other diseases.
many people eat fast food because they have a lifestyle that means they do not have time to sit down to a proper meal. .
There would not appear to be any simple way to deal with these social factors. A difficulty is that it is very hard for governments to make a difference to the individual choices people make. It
might help, however, to ban advertisements for unhealthy foods on television and to require companies to provide proper meal facilities for their employees.
the government certainly ought to introduce measures to improve the level of health education.
new forms of technology has affected the way we read and libraries are no longer as relevant as they once were. Despite this, I strongly believe that it is of paramount importance that local and central governments should continue to support public libraries.
One reason for arguing that libraries are still necessary is that they are vital parts of local communities especially for the older generation. This is because public libraries do not just lend books but also typically serve as community centres which provide a range of different services including hosting talks and lectures, providing information about the local area, access to computers and careers advice. Additionally, many older people rely on libraries as somewhere to go in order to enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet in relaxing surroundings and they would suffer greatly if they were abolished.
A second argument for maintaining public libraries is that they provide free access to books for everyone. This is a significant point as a large section of society are unable to pay for books online or do not have access to computers or smart phones or are simply uncomfortable using digital technology and would never read online.
There can be little doubt that more and more people are becoming addicted to computer games and this is especially true for young adults. My view is this is a dangerous development for both society and the people concerned.
The dangers to society of computer gaming addiction among young adults are clear. There is strong evidence to show that there is a connection between violent crime and playing games that do not respect human life. I
One particular problem is that they are at a stage of life when they need to concentrate on establishing relationships and perhaps starting families. Again there is evidence to show that people who play too many games find it more difficult to build a lasting relationship and if they do, they provide a poor example to their children.
This is because too much gaming can cause loss of concentration and that in turn can lead to reduced efficiency in the workplace. This is of course a problem for the company and may also lead to the individual failing to get promotion or even being fired.
Most people would agree that young people need to be taught about the importance of recycling waste products and packaging.
The argument in favour of teaching children at school about recycling is largely based around the idea that children learn best at school. This is because teachers have a natural authority over their pupils who are used to learning from them and schools are a natural environment for learning. Additionally, the need for recycling could easily be included in the school curriculum in biology and geography classes.
There are two main reasons why people think parents taking responsibility for this training could be more effective. The first is that the majority of recycling takes place in the home and parents can therefore more easily control the recycling habits of their children. If, for example, parents see their child put a recyclable bottle in the wrong bin, they can explain that it needs to go in another bin. The other very practical point is that often children spend more time at home than at school and so parents may have more effect.
The major argument against hosting international sporting events is financial. Typically, it can cost several million pounds to build the arenas and modernise the infrastructure so that it can cater for the athletes and the spectators. This money, it is argued, would be better spent on welfare and education programmes that provide direct support for the population. Indeed, some governments have incurred so much debt through hosting the Olympic Games that they have had to reduce spending on other social programmes.
hosting sporting events does also bring significant benefits. First among these is the honour and prestige it brings to the host country because that country will be the centre of the sporting world for the duration of the event. For many people this is beyond any price.
More than that, if the authorities plan carefully, they can use the occasion of the sporting event to help finance public works that benefit the whole population in the long term. For example, the village for the athletes can be transformed into public housing .
My own view is that it is an honour for a country to host a major sporting event.
4 农业
One is that the world's population has exploded within the past century and that traditional methods of agriculture could not provide sufficient food for everyone. It can also be argued that we need more efficient methods of farming because many countries in Asia and Africa suffer regular famine and droughts and the people would starve if it was not for genetically modified crops that are drought resistant. It should also not be forgotten that the quality of life of farmers has been improved by these advances which are less labour intensive.
Firstly, it is claimed that a variety of diseases such as bird flu were caused by conditions in factory farms and that organic food is much healthier. Then, there are concerns about the lack of research into how genetically modified crops might affect the ecosystem for the worse.
I suggest that there should be more investment in traditional farming methods to make them more efficient and that there should be stronger legislation to ensure that both factory farms and GM crops are safe.
A serious concern nowadays is how our eating habits can affect our health. In particular, it has been demonstrated that eating too much junk food can lead to health issues later in life. One sensible suggestion for dealing with this is to improve the level of health education so that we eat better and live longer. My belief though is that this would not completely solve the problem.
One reason why focusing on health education is an appropriate measure is that it addresses one underlying cause of the problem. It is clear that there is a connection between what people know about nutrition and their eating habits. For example, children who have learned in school about the need to have a varied diet with plenty of vitamins tend to eat more healthily. In contrast, people who have not had this education still eat too much junk food and as a result suffer from diabetes and other diseases.
many people eat fast food because they have a lifestyle that means they do not have time to sit down to a proper meal. .
There would not appear to be any simple way to deal with these social factors. A difficulty is that it is very hard for governments to make a difference to the individual choices people make. It
might help, however, to ban advertisements for unhealthy foods on television and to require companies to provide proper meal facilities for their employees.
the government certainly ought to introduce measures to improve the level of health education.
new forms of technology has affected the way we read and libraries are no longer as relevant as they once were. Despite this, I strongly believe that it is of paramount importance that local and central governments should continue to support public libraries.
One reason for arguing that libraries are still necessary is that they are vital parts of local communities especially for the older generation. This is because public libraries do not just lend books but also typically serve as community centres which provide a range of different services including hosting talks and lectures, providing information about the local area, access to computers and careers advice. Additionally, many older people rely on libraries as somewhere to go in order to enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet in relaxing surroundings and they would suffer greatly if they were abolished.
A second argument for maintaining public libraries is that they provide free access to books for everyone. This is a significant point as a large section of society are unable to pay for books online or do not have access to computers or smart phones or are simply uncomfortable using digital technology and would never read online.