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IP属地:陕西1楼2019-12-15 20:02回复
    Unlike her impetuous children, the Page and the Knight, who are helplessly caught in the geyser of fire, the Queen directs its energy so that she dances gracefully atop it. She manifests a shimmering flower in her wholesome joy, and the flame wraps around her alluringly, rejoicing in her rapturous existence.
    The Queen of Wands is the vibrant expression of a brimming mind. Sunlit, exuberant, she takes all the positive energy of fire and warms the world with it, radiating confidence and charisma. Her joyful display is infectious, inspiring positivity in others. As a result, she is a respected, productive leader. When you see her come up in a reading, consider how you can incorporate her enlivening energy in to your life.
    权杖女王是充满活力的头脑的生动表达。 她充满阳光,精力充沛,充满了火的正能量,并用火温暖了世界,散发出自信和魅力。她快乐的展示富有感染力,激发了他人的积极性。因此,她是一位受人尊敬的富有成效的领导者。当你在解牌时看到她,去思考如何将她的活力融入你的生活中吧。

    IP属地:陕西2楼2019-12-15 20:11
      wooden boat glides across a shimmering pond as tulips dance in the breeze.The water ripples delicately to the sound of the music fowing through the balmy air. As the harpist's fingers graze the translucent strings, your favorite song curls around you. This feels familiar, like fragments of an old memory pieced together from another life. A perfect moment of peace. But this is not your peace, nor is it your life, but merely a daydream.
      郁金香在微风中翩翩起舞,一艘木船滑过一个波光粼粼的池塘,水在微妙的空气中荡起阵阵涟漪,温和的空气中散发出音乐声。 当竖琴演奏者的手指轻拂半透明的琴弦时,你喜欢的歌曲在您周围绕。你感到熟悉,像是由平行宇宙的你,将旧记忆的碎片拼凑出的熟悉感。完美的和平惬意。但是这不是属于你的平静,也不是你的生活,只是一场白日之梦。
      If this card comes up in a reading, know that a Reverie is always ready for you. If you ever need to dip into another reality, you have the memories in your mind to stitch together your own perfect peace. But you also must understand that it is possible to spend too much time in another reality. The balance between the two is something you can only teach yourself.
      Readers may opt to take Reverie out from their deck, as it is not a part of the original Arcana. The choice is yours to make.

      IP属地:陕西3楼2019-12-15 20:24
        A blood red Knight sits immured in his armor, glittering Pentacle propped up as a shield. He peers out from his helmet, eyes narrowed, looking for danger. But for all his awareness, he seems to tally oblivious to the fact that his steed is the legendary unicorn, nuzzling dispiritedly among the strawberries. The Knight's bare feet also belie his lackluster attention to detail. When a true calamity does befall him, he will be woefully underprepared.
        The Knight is a conflicted creature. Having attained no small degree of success, he grows dependent on the tokens that have carried him safely thus far. He no longer sees their interconnected beauty; merely their utility. He is fixated on furthering his causes. If you pull this Knight in a reading, know that you may need to back off a little. Take a broader view. Appreciate the magic that makes your lifestyle possible. Otherwise, you will face a Pyrrhic victory devoid of meaning or gratification.
        骑士是一个冲突的人。他已经获得程度不小的成功,他变得越来越依赖至今为止已经安全地运送他的代币。他不再能看到它们相互联系的美丽; 只能看到它们的效用。他专心于推动事业发展。 如果你在阅读中抽出这位骑士,请知道你可能需要退后一步。 放宽视野。 欣赏使你生活方式成为可能的魔力。 否则,你将面临毫无意义或不满足的皮洛士式的胜利。

        IP属地:陕西4楼2019-12-15 20:30
          21. THE WORLD
          In the culmination of the Major Arcana, the World depicts the Moon, the Sun, the Hanged Man, the Hierophant, the Emperor, Justice, Strength, and the Chariot all rotating around the calm, focused center of the eye. Shown as a whole, these many opposing forces reveal their true pattern, unified at last into one Prisma Vision.
          作为大阿卡那的终点,世界描绘了月亮,太阳,倒吊人,教皇,皇帝,正义,力量,战车全部都在围绕着平静之眼缓缓旋转。从整体上看,这些众多对立的力量展现出了自己真实的面貌,最终融合为一个Prisma Vision。
          After a long, harrowing, learning curve, you have finally integrated the many competing aspect for your life. Master of your destiny, you observe life from afar, watching how it blends and merges within itself. Conflicts eased and doubts vanquished, take this well-deserved moment of tranquility to serve others. You are a pinnacle of competency and intelligence. And in the end, when you close your eyes you'll see the world clearly - made up of everything you've ever known and all the places you call home.

          IP属地:陕西5楼2019-12-15 20:45

            IP属地:陕西7楼2019-12-16 12:43


              IP属地:陕西9楼2019-12-16 15:04
                TWO OF SWORDS
                A blindfolded woman sits on a stump crossing her daggers before her. She unwittingly guards against a harmless butterfly, failing to divine the meaninglessness of her defenses. Her tunic is similarly unsuited, doing little to protect its wearer from the icy atmosphere. The moon, goddess of illusion and fear, waxes behind her shedding little light.
                Departing greatly from the cold clarity of the Ace, the Two of Swords is a warning against delusion and false reality. No matter how guarded you are, if you are blind to the situation at hand, you will miscalculate and blunder. Don't flinch from the truth, as it is often less dire than the many insidious realities your mind conjures up in the darkness. Do not let needless fears disturb you. Find balance.

                IP属地:陕西10楼2019-12-17 11:06
                  THE SONG OF SWORDS
                  知觉 - 折磨 - 痛苦 - 悲伤
                  "In the cold of the night the beast of truth is in sight"
                  ELEMENT: AIR
                  SEASON: WINTER
                  SIGNS: LIBRA, GEMINI, AQUARIUS
                  The Swords cleave through illusion and fantasy. They reveal the true nature of the world beneath, cruel and unforgiving though it may be. The Swords therefore stand for intelligence, and the sorrow and bitterness that accompany understanding. Many Swords in a draw warn of a spiritual sickness; an icy cold winter of the heart, But do not despair. In your time of sorrow, much will be revealed to you. You will be lent a clarity honed by grief, and in time you will conquer the beast that slays you.

                  IP属地:陕西11楼2019-12-18 08:50
                    ACE OF SWORDSA
                    winged sword is driven into the snow, as if fallen from the hand of God. Like all the Aces, it radiates power and energy. The bird on its hilt scowls with incisive intensity. The centermost eye, glaring panopticon, sees all.
                    The Ace of Swords cleaves through indecision and deceit. It is mental clarity that comes with keen intelligence. It may indicate an epiphany. When you pull this card, you may be driven with a determination borne of ruthlessness. Examine your motivations and ensure you're not being too tyrannical. Master the sword, and wield its mighty power for good.
                    宝剑一劈开了犹豫和欺骗。它是精神清晰随热切的智慧而至。它可能象征着主显节(1 月 6 日纪念贤士朝拜耶稣)。当你抽到这张牌时,你可能被无情的决心驱使着。自省你的动机并且确认你没有变得残暴。掌控这把剑,用它那强大的力量去行善。

                    IP属地:陕西13楼2019-12-18 09:54
                      EIGHT OF WANDS
                      After the helter-skelter scamper of the Seven of Wands, you have landed on solid ground. The translucent tendrils that have guided you through the early stages of your journey have finally taken root. Thickening into a flowering vine, it echoes the wildflowers that fed the first fire of your vision. It shoots up a tree, racing to break through the canopy and reach the life-giving sun. After a perilous journey, it just needs one final push to burst into fruition. Your dream is coming true at last.
                      You may be tired but there's no stopping now-nearing the finish line is no time to slow down. Your situation demands one final burst of energy to propel you into victory. Show hustle. Don't hesitate. You're nearly there.
                      你也许感到疲劳但是接近完成线的现在不是慢下来的时机。你的情况要求一次最终的爆发推动你攫取胜利。继续忙碌。 不要犹豫。你几乎抵达终点了。

                      IP属地:陕西14楼2019-12-18 20:17
                        4. THE LOVERS
                        After the structure and procedure of the Emperor and Hierophant, The Lovers depict a joyful dance exalting in self-expression. No belief system is perfect, and after becoming the dutiful student, it is now your right and privilege to question the truth of your beliefs. Discard what doesn't hold up to close scrutiny.
                        The Lovers suggest a potent time to begin a new relationship. Break down barriers. Let people get to know you, the real you, and welcome their energy into your life. Revel in sexuality and connection. Let yourself be influenced by one person. This is a card that celebrates individualism. Delight in integration without dimming your own beautiful gleam.

                        IP属地:陕西15楼2019-12-19 08:45
                          ACE OF WANDS
                          Molten energy strikes out of the ground and thrusts upward. Untempered, it takes no definite shape- it is infinitely malleable depending on what conduit attracts it. Flowers cluster at its base, eager to scale its shimmering trunk. A phosphorescent tendril of an idea leaps out toward humanity, seeking a tangible target.
                          When you receive this card, you have struck upon a vein of potent energy. If you choose to manifest it, you will be propelled into some grand adventure, wrought with passion and despair. Much will be required of you; creativity, compassion, and steady discipline; but if you truly believe in your dream, fight for it until the end. Capitalize on this heady excitement. Pursue without fear or hesitation any idea that seems promising. Above all, believe in yourself and your potential.

                          IP属地:陕西17楼2019-12-21 21:10
                            5. THE HIEROPHANT
                            The Hierophant stands among the stars, clutching scrolls and holding his hand in a sign of benediction. He stands for enduring tradition: the cultures and beliefs that have hewn history into shape. He invites us to conform. To immerse ourselves in a longstanding, man-made system, be it through education, employment, or religion. To play a part in his machine, we must sacrifice some modicum of personal freedom on his altar. It is worth it? Only you can decide.
                            The Hierophant is like a constellation-imaginary lines drawn around the chaos of the cosmos that imbue the night sky with meaning. We take comfort knowing that our ancestors gazed up at the same stars, the same stories. But clinging too tightly to tradition can stave off the immutable law of nature's changeability. When you receive this card, examine whether the energy of the Hierophant is guiding or merely thwarting you.

                            IP属地:陕西18楼2019-12-22 15:31
                              QUEEN OF SWORDS

                              The imperative of the Suit of Swords is to master malevolence, and here we see it finally accomplished. The Queen has bound the beast's beak, concealing its cruel, gnashing teeth. Her crown is made of feathers and her skirt is lined by swords, indicating the supple power of the blade when it is used astutely. She looks on in sad recognition of the bird's plight, but pity will not stay her from doing what is just. She retrains evil, her judicious mind glittering like cold diamond.
                              When you see the Queen in a reading, it is time to reign in your demons. You no longer have the excuse of inexperience, ignorance, or even fear. Use your immense intelligence and love of truth to conquer what plagues you. When you do, you'll be able to access matters of the heart with cool mental clarity and grace.
                              当你在解读中看到王后,是时候统治你的心魔。 你不再有缺乏经验,无知甚至恐惧的借口。用你巨大的智慧与对真理的热爱去征服折磨你的心魔。当你开始做的时候,你会可以以清晰冷静的头脑和优雅的方式,访问心中的各个方面。

                              IP属地:陕西19楼2019-12-22 16:59