A 伯牙摔琴/The Broken Zither
1. 序/Introduction (2’ 01)
2. 伯牙探奇/Boya’s advertures (3’ 50)
3. 遇子期/Meeting with the woodcutter Ziqi (6’ 35)
4. 说琴/A discourse on the Zither (7’ 24)
5. 寻子期/The appointment with Ziqi (10’ 52)
6. 哭子期/Boya’s lament (6’ 54)
7. 摔琴/Breaking the Zither (6’ 18)
B 昭君出塞/ Married To exile
1. 出长城/Beyond the Great Wall (4’ 09)
2. 雁儿呀/The goose (4’ 31)
3. 回头看/Looking back (3’ 56)
4. 人到边关/The nation’s boundaries (3’ 56)
5. 亲娘/Oh mother (3’ 37)