如何修改如 汉堡一样达到要塞后额外增加3个征兵格?我在Data文件夹下的export_descr_buildings.txt文件里看了一下。
例如我想让 诺丁汉 跟 汉堡 有相同效果,之前试了在下面两处Hamburg代码前(后)添加Nottingham 结果没用,后来又试了替换掉还是没有用,格式都对额,能进游戏就是没有效果,有没有大神教教我怎么搞
hidden_resources sparta rome italy america atlantic explorers_guild swordsmiths_guild woodsmens_guild teutonic_knights_chapter_house knights_of_santiago_chapter_house crusade jihad arguin horde_target no_pirates no_brigands Constantinople Paris London Lisbon Leon Edinburgh Rome Venice Stockholm Hamburg Vienna Kiev Sofia Antioch Jerusalem Timbuktu Milan Tunis Cracow Novgorod Damascus Cairo Baghdad Rhodes Innsbruck Moscow Tenochtitlan Ire Lubeck Mekka Cordoba Naples Buda Iconium Arhus Oporto Cordoba Bergen trade_centre
recruitment_slots 3
recruitment_slots bonus 3 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and hidden_resource Hamburg
例如我想让 诺丁汉 跟 汉堡 有相同效果,之前试了在下面两处Hamburg代码前(后)添加Nottingham 结果没用,后来又试了替换掉还是没有用,格式都对额,能进游戏就是没有效果,有没有大神教教我怎么搞
hidden_resources sparta rome italy america atlantic explorers_guild swordsmiths_guild woodsmens_guild teutonic_knights_chapter_house knights_of_santiago_chapter_house crusade jihad arguin horde_target no_pirates no_brigands Constantinople Paris London Lisbon Leon Edinburgh Rome Venice Stockholm Hamburg Vienna Kiev Sofia Antioch Jerusalem Timbuktu Milan Tunis Cracow Novgorod Damascus Cairo Baghdad Rhodes Innsbruck Moscow Tenochtitlan Ire Lubeck Mekka Cordoba Naples Buda Iconium Arhus Oporto Cordoba Bergen trade_centre
recruitment_slots 3
recruitment_slots bonus 3 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and hidden_resource Hamburg