还是希望能遇到个谁,年龄相仿的,经历相仿的,想法相仿的,其实就是想能一起做这,做那,跑来跑去。 但似乎即便是这样不高的要求似乎也不容易达到。所以运气这种东西还真是需要的。
目前居住在北京马连道的我38岁,节前刚转行尝试做旅游,结果疫情导致旅游业遭受冲击,又得重新走起找寻新工作,好在心态依然乐观,毕竟还不是世界末日。18岁前的性格很很是内向,不善沟通,现在性格上应该算是转变不少, 但总体上依然是变熟之后才会成为话痨。各方面都没有什么 野心,因此170cm的身高现在弄的心宽体胖,减肥就成了当务之急。
After all it shall be nice to encounter someone at my age with similar living experience and ideology. actually it is just so nice that there could be someone that i am able to do things with. but it seems that even such goal is not easy to be accomplished, so it seems to be true that after all one needs some luck for it.
But it is obvious that i dont have such luck, therefore all i am able to do is just to try it out here and there sometime since no one knows what is stored there ahead.
I am currently living at 马连道 in Beijing and 38 years old this year. just started working at a new place before the chinese new year, and with the impact given by the Covid 19, i have to start all over looking for a new job again. Thankfully i am a rather optimistic person, and especially it is not the end of the world yet .Before the age of 18 i was quite an introverted person and terriblly at communicating with others,but have changed a lot now. It is just that i am still a person that will become rather talkative once i have become familiar with others. I am not an ambitious person, therefore with me being 170cm long have i become rather big weight wise, and that is why i would really like to lose some weight.
Hope that someone i shall get to encounter is around my age, into doing sports (so i get to be forced to work out together with him), into running around and at the same time also into rolling around at home, doing readings and watching films.
For the rest shall i just leave it in the hands of that surreal so called "luck".:D

目前居住在北京马连道的我38岁,节前刚转行尝试做旅游,结果疫情导致旅游业遭受冲击,又得重新走起找寻新工作,好在心态依然乐观,毕竟还不是世界末日。18岁前的性格很很是内向,不善沟通,现在性格上应该算是转变不少, 但总体上依然是变熟之后才会成为话痨。各方面都没有什么 野心,因此170cm的身高现在弄的心宽体胖,减肥就成了当务之急。
After all it shall be nice to encounter someone at my age with similar living experience and ideology. actually it is just so nice that there could be someone that i am able to do things with. but it seems that even such goal is not easy to be accomplished, so it seems to be true that after all one needs some luck for it.
But it is obvious that i dont have such luck, therefore all i am able to do is just to try it out here and there sometime since no one knows what is stored there ahead.
I am currently living at 马连道 in Beijing and 38 years old this year. just started working at a new place before the chinese new year, and with the impact given by the Covid 19, i have to start all over looking for a new job again. Thankfully i am a rather optimistic person, and especially it is not the end of the world yet .Before the age of 18 i was quite an introverted person and terriblly at communicating with others,but have changed a lot now. It is just that i am still a person that will become rather talkative once i have become familiar with others. I am not an ambitious person, therefore with me being 170cm long have i become rather big weight wise, and that is why i would really like to lose some weight.
Hope that someone i shall get to encounter is around my age, into doing sports (so i get to be forced to work out together with him), into running around and at the same time also into rolling around at home, doing readings and watching films.
For the rest shall i just leave it in the hands of that surreal so called "luck".:D