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The outline below provides an indication, rather than a definitive list, of activities which relateto the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning 2011(UKPSF).This document will help to explain what is meant by the terms used in the UKPSF. Specificguidance on how to claim HEA Fellowship is provided in the published guidance notes foreach of the categories of Fellowship.

1楼2020-09-27 17:54回复
    Depending on the category of Fellowship you are applying for, you will be expected todemonstrate how your experience relates to the various Dimensions of the Framework. Thisdocument provides examples of the types of evidence you might provide.

    2楼2020-09-27 17:55
      In relation to your application for HEA Fellowship, ‘scholarship’ will be evidenced differentlyfor each descriptor but should include a focus on pedagogy and your subject knowledge. Itshould typically cover a range of exchanges with peers operating at a variety of levels – thismight be informal dialogue, conversations and classroom experiments; action research;conferences and seminars; exchanges; publications, all of which potentially provideevidence of good scholarly practice through critique and reflection.

      3楼2020-09-27 17:55
        n defining what constitutes HE teaching and learning within different international contexts,in order to determine eligibility for Fellowship, Advance HE uses UK NARIC (NationalRecognition Information Centre) information about international education frameworks andqualifications. Programmes will be defined as HE for the purposes of staff teaching andsupporting learning on the programme being eligible for HEA Fellowship if they are anintegral part of a programme defined as Higher Education within the context of the country ofstudy.

        4楼2020-09-27 17:57
          The UKPSF identifies the diversity of higher education teaching and support roles andenvironments; this diversity is reflected and expressed in the Dimensions of the Framework.

          5楼2020-09-27 17:58
            The Dimensions of the Framework (p3, PSF) are a set of statements outlining the:+ Five Areas of Activity that you undertake when teaching and/or supporting learningwithin higher education;+ Six aspects of Core Knowledge that you need to carry out your learning and teachingactivities at the appropriate higher education level;+ Four Professional Values that should inform and underpin your teaching and/or supportof learning practice.

            6楼2020-09-27 17:58
              The PSF Descriptors (PSF, p4-7) are a set of statements (referred to as Descriptor‘criteria’) outlining the key characteristics of someone evidencing four broad categories oftypical teaching and learning support roles within higher education.Advance HE operates the HEA Fellowship scheme and aligns its fellowships to the PSFDescriptors as follows:+ Descriptor 1 (D1) aligned to Associate Fellow+ Descriptor 2 (D2) aligned to Fellow+ Descriptor 3 (D3) aligned to Senior Fellow+ Descriptor 4 (D4) aligned to Principal Fellow

              7楼2020-09-27 17:59
                Each of these three sets of the Dimensions is subdivided into statements: five Areas ofactivity, six aspects of core knowledge and four Professional Values. Combined they coverthe complexity of professional roles in higher education, be it teaching, learner support orthe supervision of research students.

                8楼2020-09-27 18:00
                  A5 Engage in continuing professionaldevelopment in subject/disciplines and theirpedagogy, incorporating research, scholarshipand the evaluation of professional practices

                  9楼2020-09-27 18:05
                    V3 Use evidence-informed approaches andthe outcomes from research, scholarship andcontinuing professional development

                    10楼2020-09-27 18:06
                      You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the characteristics ofdifferent learners (such as mature learners, recent school leavers or workplace learners)and how you meet their needs through the teaching and supporting learning approachesand the learning environment.

                      11楼2020-09-27 18:07
                        So far you should have taken part in two discussions 'Introduce yourself' and 'Your experience of HE in terms of the UKPSF'. These discussions were designed to get you sharing your experience of higher education. You are also encouraged to reflect privately. Applications for UKPSF accredited awards are reflective accounts, but reflection can mean different things to different people.

                        12楼2020-09-27 19:50
                          Moon (2004) makes the distinction between what she calls ‘common sense’ reflection and reflection in an academic context. In this course, you are expected to reflect in an academic context

                          13楼2020-09-27 19:50
                            Reflection/reflective learning or reflective writing in the academic context, is also likely to involve a conscious and stated purpose for the reflection, with an outcome specified in terms of learning, action or clarification. It may be preceded by a description of the purpose and/or the subject matter of the reflection. The process and outcome of reflective work are most likely to be in a represented (e.g. written) form, to be seen by others and to be assessed. All of these factors can influence its nature and quality. (Moon 2004, p.83)

                            14楼2020-09-27 19:51
                              Reflection in an academic context builds on everyday reflection to offer a stated purpose with an intended outcome e.g. to identify what further learning may be required to address a particular issue. This type of reflection uses description to introduce context and purpose, and then a deeper questioning approach to derive maximum benefit.

                              15楼2020-09-27 19:51