3。卡多根的应试。 考官(Calie的形象):......the apearance of your judge, We most often take the form of the subject's greatest teacher or the source of their greatest failure. In the rare emotion-driven species such as your own, it can be their greatest love. Seems you're faced with all of the above." Bill Cadogan: "你是上帝?" 考官: "跟据你的理解力,你就叫我考官好了." Bill Cadogan: "所以这就是一个考试,没有战争?" The Judge: "答对了,上一次是一个叫贝卡的女士进来的,但她拒绝了,说人类还没有准备好,你现在ready 了吗?" Bill Cadogan: "Yes. We are ready." The Judge: "很好! Here's how it works. We talk. I ask questions, you answer truthfully, if you do not I will know it. If your answers are satisfactory, your consciousness and that of your entire species will become one ours. You will Transcend your human form and then become infinite. If you fail to earn this evolutionary leap, you will be eliminated, turned to crystal the way the Bardoans and countless other civilizations before them were. Sound good? Cadogan 点头。 考官:第一个问题是“爱”. 只有少数被造物得到过这个礼物,而你却为了追求现在的这一刻要抹杀掉它。 为什么?" 砰!卡多根 中弹身亡 克拉克: "Pencils down." (意思是考试时间到), 潇洒地吹了吹枪口。
4。克拉克面试 考官(lexa 的形象): 你为什么杀死卡多根? Clarke : “他杀了我女儿,这不是复仇,这是公正!” 考官:“Pain begets pain, 这不是公正。你一直说你做这些是为了保护你的人民。 但你们都是人类啊!” Clarke, “He (Cadogan) created a world without love to get to you. He killed my child to get to you. Have you ever considered that you’re the problem? How dare you judge me because you annihilate an entire species, because they don’t live up to your ideals. Have I pulled the lever to commit genocide? Yes I have. And did love make me do this? You’re damn right it did! But what’s your excuse? You play games with people and call yourselves higher beings. You are no better than the murderers I’ve killed and no better than me.” 翻译过来就是:拜拜了您的! 姑奶奶不考了! 说的很解气是不是?
7。transcendence。 下面是Octavia的精彩发言: “Enough! What the hell are we doing here? You swore an oath to fight for all mankind. Well, look around you. We are mankind! We are one group! If I kill you, I kill myself! If we keep killing each other, there won’t be anyone else left to save! Our fight is over Indra!” 然后Octavia 叫自己人先放下武器,然后她告诉对方的人 “If we fight this war, we don’t deserve to find out if my brother’s right…we fail, we die. I’ve been to war, the only way to win, is to not to fight.” Disciples 开始放下武器,然后变成一个个橙色的光球,然后是 Emori , Murphy, Maddie,。。。战场上所有还活着的人。Clarke 是唯一剩下的人,然后克拉克回到圣地,找到那条狗,因为这个不是人类。