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鸽之钻 BigDiam 百年好合


鸽之钻BIG DIAM源自于浪漫时尚之都--法国巴黎。
BIG DIAM originates from the city of romance and fashion - Paris, France.
It is a brand of jewelry with a love story and temperature

Mr. Gu was born in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
He has been fond of art and design since his childhood, and became an excellent jewelry designer at the age of 20.
In 1940, at the age of 22 and in his prime, Mr. Gu went to France for further study. During this period, he met his only beloved in his lifetime.
The beautiful beginning of this story derived from white pigeons.
In a pleasant afternoon, he came to the plaza to feed pigeons. With the music played, the white pigeons unfolded the wings white as snow to complete the beautiful arched flying around the whole plaza.
Following the field of vision of pigeons flying, he caught sight of her.
She was dressed in a light-colored one-piece dress. Surrounded by white pigeons flying all over the sky, she looked back at him with a smile, just like encountering the predestined relationship in prelife, and it made his heart warm suddenly.
It’s said that it only takes 0.02s to fall in love with someone. Probably, it was love at first sight.
Her name was Rose, who was born in the romantic Aegean Sea in Greece and was a psychologist.
Mr. Gu designed a diamond ring with white pigeons as the prototype. Witnessed by the white pigeons flying all over the sky, he expressed his love to Rose.
Soon, they fell in love and got married in 1947.
为了延续爱与梦想,顾生在法国巴黎创办了“L’amour des pigeons “珠宝作坊,译为:白鸽之爱。
In order to extend the love and dream, Mr. Gu established a jewelry workshop called “L’amour des pigeons” in Paris, France, which was translated as “Love of White Pigeons”.
时年29岁的顾乡从父亲顾生手里接管了位于巴黎的“L’amour des pigeons白鸽之爱”珠宝作坊。并于1997年,恰逢中国香港回归,为了铭记父母这段携手走半个世纪的浪漫跨国之恋,在父母金婚之年,献上诚挚的祝福,将“L’amour des pigeons白鸽之爱“更名鸽之钻BIG DIAM,同年,在中国香港创办了香港鸽之钻珠宝有限公司,继承父业,延续鸽之钻BIG DIAM传承、传情、传世精神
At the age of 29, Gu Xiang took over the jewelry workshop called “L’amour des pigeons” in Paris from his father. In 1997, with the return of Hong Kong to China, in order to remember the semicentennial romantic transnational love between his parents, and extend sincere blessings in the year of golden wedding to his parents, Gu Xiang renamed “L’amour des pigeons” as BIG DIAM. In the same year, Gu Xiang established Hong Kong BIG DIAM Jewelry Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong, China, so as to follow in his father’s footsteps and extend the BIG DIAM’s spirits of inheriting, expressing feelings and passing down.
鸽之钻BIG DIAM坚信:每一件珠宝背后,都有一段动人的爱情故事,它如白鸽的羽毛般轻灵圣洁,亦如童话般浪漫唯美令人憧憬,这是爱情的永恒延续
BIG DIAM firmly believes: There is a touching love story behind each piece of jewelry, which is spiritual and holy like the feathers of white pigeons, and also like the fairy-tale romance and beauty that people long for. This is the eternal continuation of love.
Millennial messenger of BIG DIAM, ten thousand years of affections between lovers. Buy BIG DIAM Jewelry, witness the everlasting love of each couple!
Messager millénaire de BIG DIAM, dix mille ans d'affections entre amoureux. Achetez les bijoux de BIG DIAM, soyez témoin de l'amour éternel de chaque couple!

1楼2020-12-24 10:16回复

    2楼2020-12-24 12:33