Looking for a Warrior name to roleplay with? or one to use as a username? Or need names for a fanfiction? This Warrior Cats Name generator may help you find the name you're looking for!
The names in the generator are taken directly from the books. This is not to say these are the only names allowed! I merely choose to put previously used words in this generator. But you can always choose your own words that have never been used in the books. There has and never will be a 'default' or 'canon' list names that are allowed for a name. The Erin's can only come up with so many names after all! Simply click the generate button and it will choose a random prefix and suffix previously used in the books to make a name! But again you can always change it up with your own words and be creative :).
Every name from the Prefixes and Suffixes page is in the generator. However the generator does not include the prefixes 'Thunder', "River", "Wind", "Shadow" or "Sky" as these are names that should really only be used by the original Clan Leaders of their respective Clans. The generator is only for Clan Warrior, or perhaps Medicine Cat names, so the suffixes 'kit', 'paw' and 'star' are also not included. I have also set it up so the prefix and suffix can not match, so no Leafleaf or Splashsplash!
Special Thanks to Squirrelpaw from the Warriors Wish forums who compiled this list of canon names, see the original page here: Warriors Wish forum.
So click away and good luck finding a name you like!
“前缀和后缀”页中的每个名称都在生成器中。然而,生成器不包括前缀'雷',“河”,“风”,“影”或“天”,因为这些是真正应该只由原来的族群首领使用。生成器只用于族群武士, 或者可能是巫医的 名字,所以后缀“kit”、“paw”和“star”也不包括在内。我也设置了它,所以前缀和后缀不能匹配,所以没有叶子或飞溅!