恶魔蟹吧 关注:2,033贴子:8,375
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IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-05-16 02:17回复

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2021-05-23 12:53

      IP属地:福建来自Android客户端3楼2021-06-25 02:58

        IP属地:福建来自Android客户端4楼2021-06-25 02:59
          The seasonal fluctuation of female vampire crabs carrying eggs suggests there might be a peak in the reproductive activity of these ani- mals in nature, i.e,, during the rainy season Captive breeding can be successful with indi- vidual pairs or in colonies biased in favour of female specimens.
          The crabs can be motivated to mate by raising the humidity level slightly, feeding more often, and reducing the temperature slightly. Provided both sexes are present, you will not normally have to wait for long before they mate and produce eggs. Unfortunatelv. none of the authors has so far been able to witness a mating event. It is known, howe- ver, that the male will lie on his back and pull the female onto his belly so that they
          come to lie pleon to pleon (RADEMACHER & MENGEDOHT 2011). They will then spread their ventral flaps so that the gonopods ofthe male can reach the gonopores of the female for the transfer of spermatophores. With the female being able to store sperm for som time, it is possible that she will not be gravid right after mating, leaving the keeper waiting for offspring and becoming disappointed eventually. At one stage or another, he or she will note that the female has become a littler more withdrawn than normal and behave more secretively. Closer inspections will then reveal that her apron becomes more and more squarrose, which is a clear indication of the presence of eggs under it. As these swell substantially in volume and lever the
          来pleon对pleon撒谎(RADEMACHER & MENGEDOHT 2011)。然后它们会展开腹侧皮瓣,这样雄虫的性腺就可以到达雌虫的性腺孔,以便传递精囊。由于雌性能够储存精子一段时间,很有可能它在交配后不会马上怀孕,让饲养员等待后代,最终会感到失望。在某个阶段,他或她会注意到雌性变得比正常情况下更沉默寡言,行为更隐秘。仔细观察就会发现她的围裙变得越来越粗,这清楚地表明围裙下面有卵。由于这些膨胀大量的体积和杠杆

          IP属地:北京5楼2021-07-22 10:48
            DEMACHER & 1 then spread nopods ofthe of the female ores. With the erm for some I not be gravid eeper waiting disappointed ther, he or she ecome a littler al and behave tions will then nes more and lear indication er it. As these and lever the
            Fig. 49: Gravid females of Geosesarma notophorum in a nursery box
            Fig. 50: Nursery boxes should be wellestabished and densely vegetated.
            rabs, as used with
            apron from the body to an ever greater extent as a result, the female will carry the eggs on her until the baby crabs eventually hatch. This period of maternal care continues for about 100 days in the species of Geosesarma sometimes even longer. Compared to other crabs, it is an exceptionally long period tha is due to what is known as direct embrvonid development.
            In the case of indirect development, as is common in most other species of crabs, the eggs are rarely carried for longer than six weeks. These crabs will then release their larvae, known as zoeae or zoeas, by the thousands, if not millions, into the water. This may happen in freshwater that will then carry them to the sea, or right in brackish or seawater, depending on where exactly the adult crabs have their terrestrial habitats The larvae will then pass through a number of sequential stages before they eventually turn into baby crabs. The new generation will gradually exit the water and adapt to living on land instead. This indirect development plays out without any care from the mother animals, and the larvae are left to fend for themselves once they have been released into the water. Biologists refer to this mode of reproduction as r-strategy: The number of offspring is large enough to compensate for losses during the developmental stages due to external influences and predation so that there will be a sufficient number of specimens left in the end to reproduce and perpetuate the population.
            This situation is different in the vampire crabs dealt with here. The extended perioc of carrying the eggs around that is typical of most representatives of Geosesarma facilitates the larval development of zoea and megalopa stages to be completed inside the egg. The result is that fully formed baby crabs hatch from the eggs and are released only then. Ir theircase, only a small number of eggs can be
            Fig. 5r: Measuring just a few millimetres, a aby crab foraging in a cushion ofalgae.
            DEMACHER & 1然后散布雌性矿石的nopods。有了这个词,有些我不怀孕更深的等待失望,他或她来了一点,行为将会更多,并了解它的指示。正如这些杠杆

            IP属地:北京6楼2021-07-22 10:50

              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端8楼2023-06-18 11:36