首先无限里斯巴达4训练的地点改到了“Your journey begins at the Avery J Johnson Academy of Military Science.”---艾弗里·约翰逊军事科学院,由于斯巴达指挥官:Laurette Agryna/劳雷特·阿格里娜担任教官,地点位于Starting your training journey at a hidden facility on a frontier world, 总的来说约翰逊是名垂青史了,而且八成-----无限号怕是真的跪了。

“And of course, there are always additional attachments and items that Spartans can leverage to optimize their presence on any battlefield. ----------And hey, that S7 Sniper Rifle isn’t too shabby either.”
“VK78 Commandos were selected by the CMA frontier forces to replace their antiquated stocks of HMG-38’s in 2495.”
这啥意思?虽然不确定,但S7应该是SRS99已知最新的版本(光环5耍的是S5)------结果相比较2559年列装的护甲评价是“isn’t too shabby either”
而新步枪干脆就是CMA frontier的装备替代的还是2495年替换的老旧HMG-38--------

“Its Jiralhanae design originating from before their alliance with the Covenant”这玩意设计自鬼面兽加入星盟前(加入星盟前可是自己核平过的)---鬼面兽是2492加入的星盟,算是和上面的2495有异曲同工之妙了
而且按理说主要科技也不算差吧但更新载具的优化方向依旧是Banshees:increase armor ,GHOST:focuses on forward armor ,要知道这都2560年了 半死不活的精英都载具迭代普及护盾了,鬼面兽还在打“人类星盟战争”(某种意义上确实)
首先无限里斯巴达4训练的地点改到了“Your journey begins at the Avery J Johnson Academy of Military Science.”---艾弗里·约翰逊军事科学院,由于斯巴达指挥官:Laurette Agryna/劳雷特·阿格里娜担任教官,地点位于Starting your training journey at a hidden facility on a frontier world, 总的来说约翰逊是名垂青史了,而且八成-----无限号怕是真的跪了。

“And of course, there are always additional attachments and items that Spartans can leverage to optimize their presence on any battlefield. ----------And hey, that S7 Sniper Rifle isn’t too shabby either.”
“VK78 Commandos were selected by the CMA frontier forces to replace their antiquated stocks of HMG-38’s in 2495.”
这啥意思?虽然不确定,但S7应该是SRS99已知最新的版本(光环5耍的是S5)------结果相比较2559年列装的护甲评价是“isn’t too shabby either”
而新步枪干脆就是CMA frontier的装备替代的还是2495年替换的老旧HMG-38--------


“Its Jiralhanae design originating from before their alliance with the Covenant”这玩意设计自鬼面兽加入星盟前(加入星盟前可是自己核平过的)---鬼面兽是2492加入的星盟,算是和上面的2495有异曲同工之妙了

而且按理说主要科技也不算差吧但更新载具的优化方向依旧是Banshees:increase armor ,GHOST:focuses on forward armor ,要知道这都2560年了 半死不活的精英都载具迭代普及护盾了,鬼面兽还在打“人类星盟战争”(某种意义上确实)