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随着人们安全意识的提高,监控摄像头的需求日益上涨,使用场景也越来越多,像大街小巷随处 可见的防盗系统,同时家庭监控的使用率也在快速增加,人们更多的用在看护老人与小孩上。需求的 增加,必然引发摄像头各大厂商的产品竞争,且人们对于摄像头的要求也越来越高,从看得见到看得 清。如何做好一款更有竞争力的摄像头,涉及到从立项设计到器件选型各个环节。拓尔微推出一款适 用于各种 CCTV Camera(AHD), IP Camera 等应用的 30V 1.2A降压高耐压DC-DC TMI3359。


TMI3359 采用 COT 架构,实现快速动态响应。工程师在测试摄像头的时候都应该深有体会,选 用动态性能好的电源,可以大大减少拍摄时产生的纹波干扰,在拍摄画面上的表现如下:

TMI3359 为 SOT23-6 小封装,更加适合摄像头模块这种对器件大小及体积要求极高的应用。以 下是常规的摄像头电路板,大小为 38*38(mm2),面积极小

同时因为体积限制不能使用电解电容来滤除浪涌,就必须选用更高耐压的电源,TMI3359 最高 工作电压 30V,同时具有 32V OVP 保护功能,可靠性高。

IP属地:广东1楼2022-02-28 14:14回复
    TMI3359 is a high efficiency 1.5MHz, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of delivering up to 1.2A current with force PWM operation and adopts COT control with fast transient response performance. TMI3359integrates both high and low side switch with low RDS(ON) to minimize the conduction loss. Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor size are achieved with 1.5MHz switching frequency. The TMI3359 requires a minimum number of readily available standard external components and is available in a 6-pin SOT23-6 RoHS compliant package.Application
    ⚫ Security Equipment
    ⚫ Distributed Power Systems
    ⚫ Flat Panel Television and Monitors
    ⚫ Smart Home
    ⚫ Industrial Power Systems
    ⚫ Wide Input Range: 4.5V to 30V
    ⚫ Feedback Voltage: 0.8V±2%
    ⚫ 1.5MHz Switch Frequency
    ⚫ Up to 1.2A Output Current
    ⚫ Force Constant Current PWM Operation
    ⚫ COT control to achieve fast transientresponses
    ⚫ Integrated internal compensation
    ⚫ Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Output Capacitors
    ⚫ Over Current Protection with Hiccup Mode
    ⚫ Thermal Shutdown
    ⚫ Inrush Current Limit and Soft Start
    ⚫ Build in Input Over Voltage Protection
    ⚫ Available in SOT23-6 Package

    IP属地:广东2楼2022-03-02 10:21

      IP属地:广东3楼2022-03-03 14:47