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UC的阿拉斯加事件是啥? 就卡拉巴建立的那个


Zeonic|Scanlations Database Entry wrote:A 23 year old Jerid is undergoing training as a cadet pilot in order to become a trainee under the Titans. Together with Emma and Kacricon, they do nothing but train aboard the Graf Zeppelin*, a hovering aircraft carrier of the Titans Training Academy. However, during an unexpected inspection by Titans leader Bask, information comes in that the Federation Forces Backlund base in Alaska has been taken over by terrorists.
The base is also an experimental facility which is a transceiver for solar energy in conjunction with the military satellite Kerberos. It had been converted into an impregnable and dangerous fortress due to the beam cannon utilizing the vast energy. In order to safely recapture it, it is first necessary to destroy the wave catcher that receives the energy. The most efficent way to execute that was to infiltrate with a single unit. Bask designates Jerid, who had shown outstanding results, to be the agent of this solo mission.
Thus, Jerid was ordered to destroy three wave catchers installed on Alaska’s Seward Peninsula within 24 hours. Landing, Jerid utilizes leftover Federation material, succeeds in cooperating with the local Inuit and crushes the enemy units deployed along the peninsula one by one, ultimately succeeding in the destruction of the wave catchers. Although her turns around to recapture the base, he ends up fighting against a Gelgoog Commander Type and a Gundam Copy Type, piloted by a Cyber Newtype crafted with a true copy of Amuro and Char’s combat abilities.
Despite defeating them, a beam cannon appears from the wall of the dome and he falls into a desperate and dangerous situation. With the arrival of Emma and Kacricon, he is able to escape successfully. The ringleader of the terrorists failed scheme sends out their trump card, the massive mobile suit Dura. The machine, with its product development from the Big Zam, boasts terrible firepower as the reinforcement squadron that was rushing in and theri mothership were sunk in an instant.
In order to protect the Graf Zeppelin which narrowly avoided a direct hit, Jerid and the others charge into their final battle. With the Dura destroyed, Jerid and the others mission is over. Prior to his landing back at the ship, Jerid does a victory roll to the many cheers of his comrades. Approving of their achievements, Bask admits them to the Titans with a rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. UC0087.01.12. The trio are appointed as test pilots of the Gundam MK-II.
Zeonic|Scanlations 数据库条目写道:
一名 23 岁的 Jerid 正在接受作为学员飞行员的训练,以便成为泰坦队的学员。他们与 Emma 和 Kacricon 一起在泰坦训练学院的悬停航空母舰 Graf Zeppelin* 上训练。然而,在泰坦首领巴斯克的一次意外检查中,消息传来,联邦军在阿拉斯加的贝克兰德基地已被恐怖分子占领。
该基地也是一个实验设施,它是与军用卫星 Kerberos 结合的太阳能收发器。由于光束炮利用了巨大的能量,它已经变成了一座坚不可摧的危险堡垒。为了安全地夺回它,首先需要破坏接收能量的捕波器。最有效的执行方法是用一个单位渗透。巴斯克指定表现出色的杰瑞德作为这次单人任务的代理人。
因此,杰里德奉命在 24 小时内摧毁安装在阿拉斯加苏厄德半岛的三个波浪捕集器。登陆后,杰瑞德利用联邦剩余物资,成功与当地因纽特人合作,将沿半岛部署的敌方单位一一击溃,最终成功摧毁了捕波器。尽管她转身重新夺回基地,但他最终与盖尔古格指挥官型和高达复制型战斗,由一台以阿姆罗和夏亚战斗能力的真实副本制作的 Cyber Newtype 驾驶。
尽管击败了他们,但穹顶的墙壁上出现了光束炮,他陷入了绝望和危险的境地。随着 Emma 和 Kacricon 的到来,他得以成功逃脱。恐怖分子计划失败的头目发出了他们的王牌,巨大的机动战士杜拉。由大扎姆开发的产品,火力惊人,冲进来的增援中队和母舰瞬间被击沉。
杰里德等人为了保护差点没被直接击中的齐柏林伯爵号,冲进了最后的战斗。随着杜拉被摧毁,杰里德和其他人的任务结束了。在他回到船上之前,杰里德在他的同志们的欢呼声中做了一个胜利滚动。巴斯克认可了他们的成就,以中尉初级的军衔承认他们加入了泰坦。 UC0087.01.12。三人被任命为高达 MK-II 的试飞员。

IP属地:江西1楼2022-04-21 23:04回复