Posted by: Eat Uranium13.05.2022 08:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2update.
We are pleased to announce that the 2.6 update is now live on the launcher. For those of you who downloaded the password protected files, the password is:
We hope to see you on the server soon! While you wait for the update to download and install, why not catch up on some of the recent dev blogs and videos:
2.6 map overview - Ts4EVER
2.6 gameplay changes - Pozzo
Making Stonne - CptBocqier
Stonne camoflage - Matt Baker
Flavion camoflage - Matt Baker
Making La Horgne - La Hire
La Horgne camoflage - Matt Baker
Operation Totalize camoflage changes part 1 - Matt Baker
Operation Totalize camoflage changes part 2 - Matt Baker
2.6 Release Trailer - Hawk
2.6 Developer Stream - FatJoe
2.6 Developer Stream alternative view - Slayer
Flavion singleplayer gameplay - Ts4EVER
Operation Mars 16p gameplay - Ts4EVER
Posted by: Eat Uranium13.05.2022 08:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2update.
We are pleased to announce that the 2.6 update is now live on the launcher. For those of you who downloaded the password protected files, the password is:
We hope to see you on the server soon! While you wait for the update to download and install, why not catch up on some of the recent dev blogs and videos:
2.6 map overview - Ts4EVER
2.6 gameplay changes - Pozzo
Making Stonne - CptBocqier
Stonne camoflage - Matt Baker
Flavion camoflage - Matt Baker
Making La Horgne - La Hire
La Horgne camoflage - Matt Baker
Operation Totalize camoflage changes part 1 - Matt Baker
Operation Totalize camoflage changes part 2 - Matt Baker
2.6 Release Trailer - Hawk
2.6 Developer Stream - FatJoe
2.6 Developer Stream alternative view - Slayer
Flavion singleplayer gameplay - Ts4EVER
Operation Mars 16p gameplay - Ts4EVER