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we are 分享


They think that we're no one,他们认为我们是无名小卒,We're nothing not sorry,我们一无是处 不必为我们感到抱歉,They push us,他们将我们逼到绝境,It's too late it's too late,为时已晚,Not going back,没有回头路,They think we are made up,他们以为我们一手铸就,Of all of our failures,我们所有的过错,They think we are foolish,他们认为我们愚蠢至极,And that's how the story goes,这就是故事的走向,They stand for nothing,他们从不站队 毫无信仰,They're lifeless and cold,他们毫无生气 冷若冰霜,Anything they say,无论他们说了什么,Will never break our hearts of gold,也绝不会伤及你我金子般的心分毫,When you're standing on the edge,当你站在绝望边缘,So young and hopeless,如此少不经事 绝望无助,Got demons in your head,魔鬼盘旋在你脑际,We are we are,我们就是 我们就是...No ground beneath your feet,你脚下没有坚实的大地,Now here to hold you,如今此处是你的容身之所,'Cause we are we are,因为我们就是 我们就是,The colors in the dark,黑暗中的绚丽色彩,Now covered in madness,如今被疯狂蒙蔽,But they just can't hurt us,但他们无法伤及我们分毫,They tell us we're nothing,他们说我们一无是处,Keep walking and let it go,大步向前走 将他们抛诸脑后,They are the weakest,他们软弱无力,And don't even know,他们甚至不知道,Anything they say,无论他们说了什么,Will never break our hearts of gold,也绝不会伤及你我金子般的心分毫,When you're standing on the edge,当你站在绝望边缘,So young and hopeless,如此少不经事 绝望无助,Got demons in your head,魔鬼盘旋在你脑际,We are we are,我们就是 我们就是...No ground beneath your feet,你脚下没有坚实的大地,Now here to hold you,如今此处是你的容身之所,'Cause we are we are,因为我们就是 我们就是,The colors in the dark,黑暗中的绚丽色彩,Never tell yourself,绝不要告诉自己,You should be someone else,你应该成为别人,Stand up tall and say,挺直腰杆 大声说,I'm not afraid I'm not afraid,我无所畏惧,So never tell yourself,绝不要告诉自己,You should be someone else,你应该成为别人,Stand up tall and say,挺直腰杆 大声说,I'm not afraid,我无所畏惧,When you're standing on the edge,当你站在绝望边缘,So young and hopeless,如此少不经事 绝望无助,Got demons in your head,魔鬼盘旋在你脑际,We are we are,我们就是 我们就是...No ground beneath your feet,你脚下没有坚实的大地,Now here to hold you,如今此处是你的容身之所,'Cause we are we are,因为我们就是 我们就是,The colors in the dark,黑暗中的绚丽色彩。

IP属地:云南来自Android客户端1楼2022-05-30 10:01回复

    IP属地:山东来自Android客户端2楼2022-05-30 10:39

      IP属地:河北来自Android客户端3楼2022-05-30 17:14