The farmer is endeavoring to solve the problem of alivelihood by a formula more complicated than the problem itself. To get hisshoestrings he speculates in herds of cattle. With consummate skill he has sethis trap with a hair springe to catch comfort and independence, and then, as heturned away, got his own leg into it. This is the reason he is poor; and for asimilar reason we are all poor in respect to a thousand savage comforts, thoughsurrounded by luxuries. As Chapman sings,
The false society of men--
--for earthly greatness
All heavenly comforts rarefies to air.
(徐迟译) 农夫们 常想用比问题本身更复杂的方式, 来解决生活问题 。为了需要他的鞋带,他投机在畜牧之中。他用熟练的技巧,用细弹簧布置好一个陷阱,想捉到安逸和独立性,他正要拔脚走开,不料他自己的一只脚落进陷阱里去了。他穷的原因就在这里; 而且由于类似的原因,我们全都是穷困的,虽然有奢侈品包围着我们,倒不及野蛮人有着一千种安逸。 查普曼歌唱道:
——为了 人间的 宏伟
2、再看这个句子的侧重点。徐译“ 农夫们常想用比问题本身更复杂的方式,来解决生活问题 ”,是说“农夫想用 …… 法来解决问题”;而梭罗原文的重点是在说“农民解决问题的方法比问题本身更复杂”。很显然,侧重点改变了。
3、“ To get his shoestrings hespeculates in herds of cattle”中的“ speculate”就是“想,考虑”,要找一付鞋带,本来是很简单的事情,解决起来却复杂得先想到鞋带的材料再想到材料的来源—一群牛。这与“投机到畜牧中”没有什么联系,重点不在于农民养牛是诚实还是投机。
4、解决问题的方法不对,那设置陷阱的技巧再娴熟也没有用,最后终是脱不了身。本想解决问题,却被问题缠住。农民继承土地农场房屋也一样,“when thefarmer has got his house, he may not be the richer but the poorer for it, andit be the house that has got him”。他得到了房屋并没有变富有反而变得更贫穷了 —房奴穷在了房子。