维多利亚3吧 关注:95,927贴子:1,243,565
  • 4回复贴,共1



--Reduced the number of monthly radicals from political movements to enact and restore
-- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by merging very small pops back into the general population
--- 通过将非常小的流行音乐合并回一般人群,减少了游戏中后期的流行音乐数量(会不会是各种族少数人群合并之类的??)
- Reduced the number of pops in the mid- to late-game by forcing unemployed pops to switch profession when sufficiently poor
--- 减少游戏中后期的流行音乐数量,迫使失业的流行音乐在足够贫穷时转行
- Improved performance of updating trends for political movements
- Improved performance of enumerating Liberation war goals
- Increased AI tendency to stick by its allies and subjects in conflicts
--- 人工智能倾向于在冲突中坚持其盟友和臣民-
--Fixed AI acceptance for 'powerful protectors' factor to appear in virtually any alliance/customs union
- Fixed AI confidence and peace desire from gold reserves not being capped to 100% reserves
--- 修复了黄金储备的AI信心和和平愿望,没有被限制在100%的储备
- Fixed AI incorrectly calculating how much an ongoing war or diplomatic play should add to their neutrality, making them abandon allies due to involvement in small conflicts
- Fixed AI involvement in a diplomatic play shown as an empty string in their neutrality calculation
- 修复了 AI 参与外交游戏的问题,在中立性计算中显示为空字符串

IP属地:安徽1楼2022-11-14 18:25回复
    - Fixed settings (such as in-game language) not being saved correctly when path contains non-latin characters
    - 修复了当路径包含非拉丁字符时无法正确保存的设置(例如游戏内语言)
    - Properly fixed flotillas not recovering morale
    - 妥善修复了没有恢复士气的舰队
    - Fixes "Pass a Law that enables an Institution" tutorial challenge being impossible to complete or writing to the error log under certain circumstances
    - 修复了在某些情况下无法完成或写入错误日志的“通过一项使机构启用的法律”教程挑战
    - Fixed issue where a placated Political Movement might still trigger a revolution
    - 修复了被安抚的政治运动仍可能引发革命的问题
    - Fixed issue with American Territory Achievement using an incorrect trigger
    - 修复了使用不正确触发器的美国领土成就的问题
    - Fixed issue with not being able to get Berlin Conference Achievement.
    - 修复了无法获得柏林会议成就的问题。
    - Star Swarmed Banner no longer requires exactly 100 states exactly to get the achievement, but rather 100 or more
    - 星群旗不再需要正好 100 个状态才能获得成就,而是 100 个或更多
    - Fixed issue with placeholder image being used for flamethrower event modifiers
    - 修复了占位符图像用于火焰喷射器事件修饰符的问题
    - Fixed CTD in CPdxTerrain::CreateEffect
    - Fixed CTD in CWarGoal::IsAdjacent
    - Fixed CTD in CBuildingType destructor

    IP属地:安徽2楼2022-11-14 18:29
      整体来看就是修复了目前最重要的BUG(抄mod)和后期优化问题 还算比较满意 期待1.1

      IP属地:安徽3楼2022-11-14 18:30
        虽然是机翻 但是麻烦各位水个贴加加经验

        IP属地:安徽4楼2022-11-14 18:32
          就我翻译了 竟然没人回复

          IP属地:安徽来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-11-14 18:51