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Love 2-25 skylark diaries


深夜突然来灵感想用英文写一篇文, 篇幅在中篇时候、 写完会考虑翻译成中文标题的 skylark 为云雀-一种栖息于欧亚大陆的云雀科物种, 常常以歌声优美而著名,文中用了比较抽象的比喻, 为小智第一视角的一篇日记话不多说, 文章开始, 请放慢读速、 最好念出来效果最佳哦(遵守标点符号的停顿有利于增加氛围感)
Skylarks danced in the clouds above, their melodies echoing through the crisp, cool air. Undefined, free of boundaries, worry-less, qualities that they take at no toll. It was the day I lost the Kalos championship. That dream, that vision of myself soaring higher than anyone else, had been crushed in an instant. And with it, the once undefined, free-spirited skylark within me had died.
The once famous skylark had its dreams crushed again, abandoned, and forgotten. Now that I think about it, there was one particular accompanying skylark who tried to be romantic with me. You know me of course, back then I had no idea what romance was. Like a stupid-ass skylark, happy, adventurous, but simple and naive.
Now, as I gaze out at the stars in the sky, I realize that the skylarks can appreciate the beauty of the heavens, even as they strive to reach the stars. But in reality, only a few ever make it there. The rest crash to the ground, exhausted and defeated, left to imagine what it would be like to taste the wind and fly once more.
Yesterday, she made it to the stars, crowned as the Kalos queen. As for me, a forgotten skylark, unable to rise above my own failures. It's time to let go of thoughts about touching the stars and embrace a simpler life as something similar, some random grounded peasant. Though the memories will always be with me, reminding me of the taste of freedom and the beauty of the sky above.

IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-02-25 21:25回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2023-02-26 23:41

      IP属地:重庆来自iPhone客户端4楼2023-03-15 13:48