2023年7月20-22日 中国●西安
简称“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”

2023年“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”作为业内至关重要的专业平台,将是一场汇聚行业优质参展商及技术专家、吸引国内国际众多精准采购商的行业盛会。
中国西部地区拥有众多优质厂商,并形成了完整产销区块链系统。强大的产业基础吸引了中国国内及全球各地的采购商云聚于此,“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”将为业内人士打造行业权威的国际交流盛宴!
组委会依托国际性的展览会组办机构和强大的国际网络助推,2021年成功的将国际及国内专业买家汇聚在展会现场及线上对接。“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”在后疫情时代发挥着重要作用,2023年将会进一步助力参展商向行业内展示成功的解决方案及未来发展趋势,并会吸引数量众多的专业观众及大健康产业链从业者。
The exhibition area brings together well-known brands in the health and nutrition industry such as natural health, nutritionalhealth products, plant-based and functional foods, as well as high-quality raw material companies such as OEM/ODM and naturalextract raw materials, health innovative raw materials, cosmetics and pharmaceutical raw materials. Attracted advanced manufacturingexhibitors such as biological plant extract equipment, pharmaceutical machinery and related packaging and laboratories,
There are many high-quality manufacturers in western China, and a complete production and sales blockchain system has beenformed. The strong industrial foundation has attracted buyers from China and all over the world to gather here. "WPE&WHPE WesternNatural Exhibition" will create an authoritative international exchange feast for industry insiders!
Relying on the support of international exhibition organizers and a strong international network, the organizing committee willsuccessfully gather international and domestic professional buyers at the exhibition site and online in 2021. "WPE&WHPE WesternNatural Exhibition" plays an important role in the post-epidemic era. In 2023, it will further help exhibitors to show successful solutionsand future development trends to the industry, and will attract a large number of professional visitors and practitioners in the big healthindustry chain By
2023年7月20-22日 中国●西安
简称“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”

2023年“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”作为业内至关重要的专业平台,将是一场汇聚行业优质参展商及技术专家、吸引国内国际众多精准采购商的行业盛会。
中国西部地区拥有众多优质厂商,并形成了完整产销区块链系统。强大的产业基础吸引了中国国内及全球各地的采购商云聚于此,“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”将为业内人士打造行业权威的国际交流盛宴!
组委会依托国际性的展览会组办机构和强大的国际网络助推,2021年成功的将国际及国内专业买家汇聚在展会现场及线上对接。“WPE&WHPE 西部天然展”在后疫情时代发挥着重要作用,2023年将会进一步助力参展商向行业内展示成功的解决方案及未来发展趋势,并会吸引数量众多的专业观众及大健康产业链从业者。
The exhibition area brings together well-known brands in the health and nutrition industry such as natural health, nutritionalhealth products, plant-based and functional foods, as well as high-quality raw material companies such as OEM/ODM and naturalextract raw materials, health innovative raw materials, cosmetics and pharmaceutical raw materials. Attracted advanced manufacturingexhibitors such as biological plant extract equipment, pharmaceutical machinery and related packaging and laboratories,
There are many high-quality manufacturers in western China, and a complete production and sales blockchain system has beenformed. The strong industrial foundation has attracted buyers from China and all over the world to gather here. "WPE&WHPE WesternNatural Exhibition" will create an authoritative international exchange feast for industry insiders!
Relying on the support of international exhibition organizers and a strong international network, the organizing committee willsuccessfully gather international and domestic professional buyers at the exhibition site and online in 2021. "WPE&WHPE WesternNatural Exhibition" plays an important role in the post-epidemic era. In 2023, it will further help exhibitors to show successful solutionsand future development trends to the industry, and will attract a large number of professional visitors and practitioners in the big healthindustry chain By