@璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_000076K馃惥 off
set /a rn=%random%%%8+1
copy %rn%.ttf tar.ttf
IF EXIST tar.ttf (
del "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\media\fonts\Myriad Condensed Web.ttf"
del ARIALN.ttf
del FZL2JW.ttf
del FZLBJW.ttf
del FZXHLW.ttf
del ZYHei.ttf
del ZYKai_C.ttf
del ZYKai_T.ttf
copy tar.ttf "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\media\fonts\Myriad Condensed Web.ttf"
copy tar.ttf ARIALN.ttf
copy tar.ttf FZL2JW.ttf
copy tar.ttf FZLBJW.ttf
copy tar.ttf FZXHLW.ttf
copy tar.ttf ZYHei.ttf
copy tar.ttf ZYKai_C.ttf
copy tar.ttf ZYKai_T.ttf
del tar.ttf
else (
call "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\wow.exe"
set /a rn=%random%%%8+1(这里是在fonts文件夹里面我有命名为1-8的8个字体文件。如果你有255个,那就写255+1就OK)
del "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\media\fonts\Myriad Condensed Web.ttf"
copy tar.ttf "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\media\fonts\Myriad Condensed Web.ttf"
call "D:\修仙\World of Warcraft\wow.exe"