出现关卡:2.2 In The Middle of Something

Reporter: ...precinct police station when Mona Sax, wanted for the murder of
Senator Gate, escaped from custody. The bomb itself caused no
casualties, due to the heroic efforts of the police officers present
at the time, but the lives of two officers and several felons in
custody were lost in the subsequent shooting. Lieutenant Jim Bravura
stressed that Sax is armed and extremely dangerous. The NYPD is
conducting an investigation into the allegations that Sax had inside
help in her escape, and an APB has also been been put out on
Detective Max Payne who had already been suspended and under
investigation on previous misconducts and connections to Sax.
播音员: ...在警局的x分局,嫌犯Mona Sax从拘留所中脱逃, 她因盖特参议员的谋杀案而被通缉。爆炸本身并未引起人员伤亡。尽管当时执勤警员英勇奋战,但仍有两名警察和数名重要嫌犯在随后的枪战中丧生。Jim Bravura 警督强调说Sax 是极其危险的武装分子。纽约警局正在对此展开调查并且声称有内部人员帮助Sax越狱。根据已发布的全面缉捕通告,马克思•佩恩探员被认为有嫌疑,正在对其以往不当行为以及与Sax的关系进行调查。

Reporter: ...precinct police station when Mona Sax, wanted for the murder of
Senator Gate, escaped from custody. The bomb itself caused no
casualties, due to the heroic efforts of the police officers present
at the time, but the lives of two officers and several felons in
custody were lost in the subsequent shooting. Lieutenant Jim Bravura
stressed that Sax is armed and extremely dangerous. The NYPD is
conducting an investigation into the allegations that Sax had inside
help in her escape, and an APB has also been been put out on
Detective Max Payne who had already been suspended and under
investigation on previous misconducts and connections to Sax.
播音员: ...在警局的x分局,嫌犯Mona Sax从拘留所中脱逃, 她因盖特参议员的谋杀案而被通缉。爆炸本身并未引起人员伤亡。尽管当时执勤警员英勇奋战,但仍有两名警察和数名重要嫌犯在随后的枪战中丧生。Jim Bravura 警督强调说Sax 是极其危险的武装分子。纽约警局正在对此展开调查并且声称有内部人员帮助Sax越狱。根据已发布的全面缉捕通告,马克思•佩恩探员被认为有嫌疑,正在对其以往不当行为以及与Sax的关系进行调查。