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English studies have four aims: the mastery of our language as a science, as a history, as a joy, and as a tool. I am concerned with but one, the mastery of it as a tool. Philology and grammar present it as a science: the one attempting to follow its words, the other its sentence, through all the intricacies of their growth, and so to manifest laws which lie hidden in these airy products no less than in the moving stars or the myriad flowers of spring. Fascinating and important as all this is, I do not recommend it here. For I want to call attention only to that sort of English study which can be carried on without any large apparatus of books. For a reason similar though less cogent, I do not urge historical study. Probably the current of English literature is more attractive through its continuity than that of any other nation. Notable works in verse and prose have appeared in long succession, and without gaps intervening, in a way that would be hard to parallel in any other language known to man. A bounteous endowment is for every English speaker, and one which should stimulate us to trace the marvelous and close-linked progress from the times of the Saxons to those of Tennyson and Kipling. Literature, too, has this advantage over every other species of art study, that everybody can examine the original masterpieces and not depend on reproductions, as in the cases of painting, sculpture, and architecture; or on intermediate interpretation, as in the case of music. To-day most of these masterpieces can be studied as a history only at the cost of solid time and continuous attention, much more time than the majority of those I am addressing can afford. By most of us our mighty literature cannot be taken in its continuous current, the latter stretches proving interesting through relation with the earlier. It must be taken fragmentarily, if at all, the attention delaying on those parts only which offer the greatest beauty or promise the best exhilaration. In other words, English may be possible as a joy where it is not possible as a history. In the endless wealth which our poetry, story, essay, and drama afford, every disposition may find its appropriate nutriment, correction, or solace. He is unwise, however busy, who does not have his loved authors, veritable friends with whom he takes refuge in the intervals of work, and by whose intimacy he enlarges, refines, sweetens, and emboldens his own limited existence. Yet the fact that English as joy must largely be conditioned by individual taste prevents me from offering general rules for its pursuit. The road which leads one man straight to enjoyment leads another to tedium. In all literary enjoyment there is something incalculable, something wayward, eluding the precision of rule and rendering inexact the precepts of him who would point out the path to it. While I believe that many suggestions may be made, useful to the young enjoyer, and promotive of his wise vagrancy, I shall not undertake here the complicated task of offering them. Let enjoyment go, let science go, still English remains, English as a tool. Every hour our language is an engine for communicating with others, every instant for fashioning the thoughts of our minds. I want to call attention to the means of mastering this curious and essential tool, and to land everyone who hears me to become discontented with his employment of it.

IP属地:广西1楼2024-03-22 22:17回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2024-03-23 16:08

      IP属地:安徽3楼2024-03-23 16:54

        IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-03-23 23:26

          IP属地:河北5楼2024-03-24 00:36

            IP属地:河北7楼2024-03-24 00:40

              IP属地:北京8楼2024-03-25 07:54
                good job

                IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端9楼2024-03-25 10:12
                  good luck

                  IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端10楼2024-03-25 11:04
                    Philology and grammar present it as a science

                    IP属地:重庆11楼2024-03-25 19:09

                      这个词我一直都记成“语言学”,觉得“文字学”啥的不顺嘴,但看了“the one attempting to follow its words”之后赶忙去查字典:


                      IP属地:重庆12楼2024-03-25 19:20
                        楼主并没有把整篇文章转发。单看1楼的片段,我就有不同意的地方:“ Notable works in verse and prose have appeared in long succession, and without gaps intervening, in a way that would be hard to parallel in any other language known to man.” 噗!你当中文不存在吗?
                        我并不反对学习英语文学,但如果只是为了实用的需要,也没有足够的时间的话,多看报章杂志、新闻报道和电视电影更有用。作者是19世纪的人,不知道什么叫做“多媒体” 这里经常有人问要读什么名著,也有人自诩看了很多儿童文学,但我不觉得他们的英语水平有多高

                        IP属地:中国香港13楼2024-03-25 20:30
                          George Herbert Palmer的Self-Cultivation in English写于19世纪末或20世纪初,语言上的风格与现在有很多不同。你拿这个还衡量我们年轻的学生或在职的大学英语老师的英语能力,何异于拿一篇清末的一篇状元、榜眼或探花的答卷来衡量一个会讲汉语的普通外国人的汉语水平?
                          Last but not least,别动辄提醒我们你有外国朋友。我更在乎的是,你从他们那儿学到了什么---譬如,谦虚、得体。
                          Take care and good luck.

                          IP属地:山东14楼2024-03-26 22:57

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端15楼2024-03-27 12:02

                              IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端16楼2024-04-02 13:03