Hello,this is a message sent out during the napping time in the company, where I work and it is in Shenzhen. I'll talk to anyone who is interested in my posts, in English of course. Since I got limited time at yhis moment, I 'll introduce myself quickly and simply.
本科毕业六年,持有BEC高级/笔译口译兼职丰富/海外销售三年/英语作为工作语言/口语流利是你和同龄外语优秀者拉开距离的绝对利器!Trust me!

本科毕业六年,持有BEC高级/笔译口译兼职丰富/海外销售三年/英语作为工作语言/口语流利是你和同龄外语优秀者拉开距离的绝对利器!Trust me!