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犹太人应该得到比二战时更重的惩罚,They should disappear from t


In recent decades,
many people have been condemning Nazi atrocities against Jews, so what have Jews done? Shouldn't they pay the price for what they did? Some people pity the Jewish people who died in Auschwitz and Buchenwald, but who will pity the children in Gaza? Jews should disappear
from this world。 Jews should go to hell。 I am truly amazed by the changes in people's perception of the Nazi massacre of Jews in short videos nowadays. I think the most typical example is Reinhard Heydrich, who went from being a "blonde demon" to a "blonde angel". People are all regretting the "unfinished" outcome of the Wanhu Conference. Who will pity the Jews when seeing the tragedy of the Palestinian people on the Internet? The deep-rooted flaws of Jews have been fully demonstrated from ancient times to the present day .Whether you are Zionists or Jews, regardless of gender or age, you should all be eliminated and eradicated
在近几十年许多人都在谴责纳粹对犹太人的暴行,那犹太人又做了什么呢?他们不该为所做而付出代价吗?有人怜悯奥斯维辛、布痕瓦尔德死掉的犹太人,那又有谁来怜悯加沙的儿童呢? 犹太人应该从这个世界上消失。犹太人应该下地狱。真的非常感叹在现在在短视频上面人们对纳粹屠杀犹太人的改观,我想一个最典型的例子就是莱因哈德·海德里希了,从“金发恶魔”到“金发天使”。人们都在惋惜万湖会议的“烂尾”。看见互联网上巴勒斯坦人民的惨状,谁会怜惜犹太人?从古至今犹太人的劣根性被体现的淋漓尽致。不管是犹太复国者还是犹太人,不管是男女老少你们都应该被消灭,被铲除

IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-06-08 15:53回复